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Bergoglio Sends More Signals to the “Gay Community” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bergoglio Sends More Signals to the “Gay Community”

March 21, 2015

SOME PEOPLE maintain that “Pope” Francis is dumb. He is not an articulate man, but he is most certainly not stupid.

Take, for example, his visit to a prison in Naples today in which he will reportedly meet with 90 prisoners, ten of whom are transsexuals. (Note, that if this report is wrong, the Vatican has not corrected it.) In keeping with his war against all things Catholic, Jorge Bergoglio is not so stupid as to come right out and say, “It’s okay! It’s no big deal to mutilate your body or pretend you are of the opposite sex if it makes you happy!! Androgynism is just a normal part of life.”

He can’t come right out and say what his actions say because many Catholics would then wake up and refuse his paganism.

No, instead he endorses implicitly, creating confusion so that some who are loyal and can’t bear the truth will say, “Christ met with sinners too.”

Yes, of course, Christ met with sinners, but out of love and mercy for them he told them to stop sinning. “Go, and now sin no more.” You can be assured that Jorge Bergoglio will not be reprimanding the confused or making public any reprimands. His false mercy is not charity at all.

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