Dear G.I. Jane
March 4, 2015

TWO YEARS AGO, on the occasion of Pentagon approval of women in combat roles, a writer at Family Security Matters wrote about the “elephant in the room:”
Oh, by the way – you and your girlfriends do plan on registering for the draft on your eighteenth birthday, don’t you – just as your male peers do? If you insist upon the privileges associated with military service, you have to assume the risks, too. So, get yourself down to the post office and register – and be quick about it. Up to now, you and your feminist pals have been skimming the cream off the top – demanding the best billets for yourselves (fighter pilot, submariner, etc.) but often bailing out when an inconvenient deployment or a war came along. Pregnancy and “female issues” certainly make handy excuses, don’t they? Well, that won’t fly anymore. Don’t feel like deploying or going to war? Too bad; you’ll go anyway – just like the men do when they are called up. Welcome to the war, baby!
You’ve now officially what is known in the arcane lingo of the grunt as “cannon fodder.” In return for your taxpayer-supplied salary and benefits, you will be expected to take a bullet if called upon to do so. That’s what soldiers do – they stop bullets so civilians don’t have to. Thanks ever so much for doing that… it is very considerate of you.
One last thing: this writer would like to wish you good luck – you’ll need it – and remind you that the complaint department is now closed. If you do indeed find that – as advertised – war is hell….well, just remember that some of us tried to warn you and that you demanded to go anyway. If it is any consolation, remember the words of English writer Oscar Wilde as the bullets fly: “The only thing worse than not getting what you want is getting it.” Don’t forget to duck…
Read more: Family Security Matters