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Feminists Scale the Walls of the Anti-Catholic Vatican « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Feminists Scale the Walls of the Anti-Catholic Vatican

March 12, 2015

THE Vatican II anti-popes have been openly friendly to feminism for many years, despite their anti-abortion stance and their defense of other anti-feminist positions, such as the restriction of the priesthood to men. They never decried the mass entry of women into the workforce and in fact celebrated it. They refused to defend male authority despite virulent attacks against it from every quarter. They apologized for the Church’s historic views on women even though the Catholic Church has been the greatest defender of the dignity, honor and influence of women in the history of the world. They promoted feminist power. They allowed women to take over a major portion of the sacred liturgy of the Church.

Thus it is no surprise that Francis, the papal pretender, has advanced this silence and submission to the evils of feminism to bolder and more outright promotion of the feminist agenda. In honor of the Soviet holiday known as “International Women’s Day,” the Vatican hosted a radically feminist conference this weekend.

Don’t be shocked or surprised by this. Just flee from this phony Church as fast as you can. The real thing, the real Divine Institution, lives on.

Hail, Holy Mother of God. Hail, Valiant Queen and Star of the Heavens. Defend all good women from the predations of woman-hating feminists until the end of time. Amen.

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  • Paul writes:

    Are you proposing people stop going to Mass or worse, leave the Catholic Church?

    If the answers are yes, what is your alternative?

  • Laura Wood writes:

    Of course, I am not proposing that people leave the Catholic Church. Quite the opposite. The Catholic Church is universal. It is Catholic. It is the one true religion, the Mystical Body of Christ, the one path to salvation. I am proposing that Catholics leave the counterfeit church of Conciliarism, the church of the Vatican II religion, which has elements of the real thing and the sincere devotion of good people but is a fraud. You underrate the devil. If you don’t think this fraud is entirely up his alley, you underrate him.

    I addressed the question of what to do here. And I recommend this post at Novus Ordo Watch.