Boys Kiss on Family TV Show
March 5, 2015

THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD characters on ABC Family’s show The Fosters kissed Monday night.
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March 5, 2015
THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD characters on ABC Family’s show The Fosters kissed Monday night.
CH writes:
As we continue to allow our media to turn the family home into Caligula’s bedroom, I can’t help but think that an old adage needs to be rephrased:
“Hell hath no fury like the LORD GOD scorned.”
We’ve already been released. Set free to all our disgusting fancies, free to destroy ourselves. And that seems to be where we are heading rapidly. Were it not for the Christ, I would expect God to do nothing but sit back and laugh at our calamity at this point. Because that’s precisely what we deserve.
But He will come and He will collect. And it will not be pretty but it will be redemption. For unlike Allah, Christ looks to bring all things back to Himself–to redeem, not slaughter without mercy. So while there WILL be war, there will also be redemption and mercy. I don’t look forward to any schadenfreude on that day of judgement, because I have so much to answer for myself.
But I don’t mind saying that to be on the side of the Lord right now is exactly where I want to be. I am appalled at what we are allowing to happen to our children. And I’m unholy, disgusting and unworthy just like any other human. I can only imagine the pain and anger He must feel.
Laura Wood writes:
We’ll record what childhood was, put it on paper and bury it in a time capsule.
From Thomas Traherne’s poem “Innocence:”
But that which most I wonder at, which most
I did esteem my bliss, which most I boast,
And ever shall enjoy, is that within
I felt no stain, nor spot of sin.
No darkness then did overshade,
But all within was pure and bright,
No guilt did crush, nor fear invade
But all my soul was full of light.
A joyful sense and purity
Is all I can remember;
The very night to me was bright,
’Twas summer in December.
A serious meditation did employ
My soul within, which taken up with joy
Did seem no outward thing to note, but fly
All objects that do feed the eye.
While it those very objects did
Admire, and prize, and praise, and love,
Which in their glory most are hid,
Which presence only doth remove.
Their constant daily presence I
Rejoicing at, did see;
And that which takes them from the eye
Of others, offer’d them to me.
No inward inclination did I feel
To avarice or pride: my soul did kneel
In admiration all the day. No lust, nor strife,
Polluted then my infant life.
No fraud nor anger in me mov’d,
No malice, jealousy, or spite;
All that I saw I truly lov’d.
Contentment only and delight
Were in my soul. O Heav’n! what bliss
Did I enjoy and feel!
What powerful delight did this
Inspire! for this I daily kneel.
Whether it be that nature is so pure,
And custom only vicious; or that sure
God did by miracle the guilt remove,
And make my soul to feel his love
So early: or that ’twas one day,
Wherein this happiness I found;
Whose strength and brightness so do ray,
That still it seems me to surround;
What ere it is, it is a light
So endless unto me
That I a world of true delight
Did then and to this day do see.
That prospect was the gate of Heav’n, that day
The ancient light of Eden did convey
Into my soul: I was an Adam there
A little Adam in a sphere
Of joys! O there my ravish’d sense
Was entertain’d in Paradise,
And had a sight of innocence
Which was beyond all bound and price.
An antepast of Heaven sure!
I on the earth did reign;
Within, without me, all was pure;
I must become a child again.
Jeanette V. writes:
I remember the family channel when Pat Roberson owned it. It has the most wonderful family shows probably the best version of Zorro ever and a cute western called Bordertown. It makes me sick to see what happen to that channel.