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Greetings Banished at Air Force Base « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Greetings Banished at Air Force Base

March 13, 2015


I have brought the anti-Christian antics of Mikey Weinstein — Air Force Academy graduate; former Air Force JAG; and – yes – former lawyer in the Reagan administration, whose atheist activism targets the U.S. armed forces — to your attention before.  I think I have also written that, based on what he does and on watching interviews with him, I wonder if Mr. Weinstein is not possessed.  The man exudes rage and malice; Mikey Weinstein always strikes me as about to explode with apoplexy.

In his most recent strike, to be fair to Mikey Weinstein (as Mr. Weinstein himself is not to those who incur his wrath, and they are legion), he has not singled out Christians per se.  The reason for his annoyance this time is the fact that guards at Robins Air Force Base near Macon, Georgia, were overheard saying to people “have a blessed day,” which expresses a rather attenuated spiritualism at most.  A Freemason could say as much, entirely sincerely.  I suspect the offending airmen thought they were being discreet.

Not discreet enough for Mikey Weinstein!  With this anti-dogma enforcer, there are no shades of grey.  Mr. Weinstein evidently has a deep network of informers throughout the armed forces, especially within the Air Force.  Weinstein was notified by some snoop, and decided, naturally, that this gentle hint to people that just maybe a higher power might have some role in the course of their lives is an intolerable oppression of atheists.

Thus Mikey Weinstein swung into action, as he so often does.  Now comes the truly disturbing part.  Unless Mr. Weinstein is simply lying and bragging (a possibility I concede, although I think it unlikely), he enjoys extraordinarily rapid, and in my limited experience unprecedented, access to the highest echelons of the armed forces — or perhaps more likely to their civilian overseers in the Obama regime.  In this “blessed Robins” incident, Weinstein boasts that the response to his complaining call took all of “three minutes and 10 seconds”: a major was trotted out to shut up the offending guards.  So let it be demanded; so let it be done — as long as it toes Pharaoh’s line, as here it certainly does.

This incident is an example of both the depth and speed of response of the ever-expanding U.S. surveillance state.  That is troubling enough.  More troubling is that Mikey Weinstein, a man who holds no elected or appointed federal office, is a thought- and speech-control enforcer for the U.S. government.  Mr. Weinstein’s abiding hatred of God and of those who believe in Him — presumably shared by those in government who leap with such alacrity to do his bidding — is also deeply troubling.  But that we already know.

A charitable Christian should pray for Mikey Weinstein, even though Mr. Weinstein would hate him for it (and try to get him fired from his job).

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