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The Beheading of American Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Beheading of American Women

March 30, 2015

THE hysteria regarding all things feminist and racist in the mainstream media has reached new levels. Ideas contrary to orthodoxy are now believed to inflict emotional abuse or even torture.

As one example, I offer this review by Anthony Tommasini, music critic for The New York Times, in which he compares the “mental brutality” of Rush Limbaugh’s radio shows to the beheading of women by the Persian king in the tale of Scheherazade. No kidding. He actually does that. I would like to say Tommasini is an imbecile, appearing under the guise of the cultured aesthete. But that would be too kind. He appears to be off his rocker.

By the way, women are indeed being beheaded. They are being beheaded by feminist ideology.


— Comments —

Jane R. writes:

The rape culture has completely descended to an absurd all time low. Brown University sets up a “safe space” during a debate about college sexual assault. The purpose of the “safe space” is to give people who might find comments “troubling” or “triggering” a place to recuperate. Yes, a dissenting view will cause many to run away to a “safe space” equipped with bubbles and coloring books.

Laura writes:

A student was recently banned from a class at Reed College because his assertion that there was not a “rape culture” (meeting the criminal definition of rape) at the school was considered to be inflicting emotional harm and triggering flashbacks for students who were “survivors.”

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