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The Educational Gulag « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Educational Gulag

March 17, 2015

P. G. writes in response to the previous post:

Education has become a form of incarceration, confining innocents to terms from 12-25 years for the so-called knowledge it apportions out in carefully rationed amounts in order to consume one third of the average person’s life span. That an institution can hold your life hostage for what Tom Bertonneau called “justification in advance” is a testimony to the power of propaganda. If it’s considered unethical for parents to chose medical treatment for their children, why is it okay to make children go somewhere they likely don’t want to go – for twelve years.

The average family now starts its income accumulation nearly thirteen years later than it would have historically, creating the conditions where they must use school as a form of warehousing to recover enough income to make up for the lost time.  More significantly, they are stealing what is a most essential contributor to healthy societies, youth and vitality. Twenty five, tired, unemployed and five years from being suitable providers, men and women must balance into their lives all of the significant decisions in a few short years while paying off massive debt for a dubious “education.” The real consequence on lost GDP is almost incalculable, another factor being that the young have little or no benefit requirements, which makes their labour far more competitive.

Universities are also causing knowledge inflation that diminishes the value of the whole program, much as mass immigration lowers the value of labour. Where are the means tests to assess whether what a student is learning will create value or wealth? Why replicate knowledge other people already have if its not going to do anything useful?  Students don’t even ask themselves the most fundamental questions such as: What is the consequence of this knowledge in society today?  How will my life be altered by possessing it?

Britain is the future, where students are now under truancy laws so restrictive that it prevents them from even taking a holiday with their families during the school term.  Parents are routinely fined and shamed in the media, with a possible criminal prosecution at the beck and call of your local PS should you annoy them by taking your children to have a good time.  Your children’s teachers are their jailers, who seem to be motivated by a form of envy that just wants to deny anyone what they can’t access.

As I wind up a career in education, I can say that for the most part what education primarily teaches are habits of obedience to the acts of command by those who rule.  The rest?  Most people could learn the substantive content of any field in two years.

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