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The Jewish Bully Extraordinaire « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Jewish Bully Extraordinaire

March 18, 2015


There are hopeful developments in the Mikey Weinstein v. Christians in Uniform story I forwarded last week.  Someone in the U.S. Air Force has found his spine, and Mr. Weinstein has run into resistance.  Something unusual for him in recent years, I’m sure.

According to One News Now, the Air Force (exactly who within that bureaucratic labyrinth One News Now‘s writer does not say, perhaps to protect the innocent) has reviewed the practice of Robins Air Force Base guards’ saying to people “Have a blessed day” and determined it is not in fact intolerably offensive.  The Air Force released a statement saying:

“Upon further review and consultation, the Air Force determined use of the phrase ‘Have a blessed day’ as a greeting is consistent with Air Force standards and is not in violation of Air Force Instructions.”

A welcome change indeed from the preemptive surrender to transgressive Leftists that has been the U.S. armed forces’ operational doctrine in the campaigns of the Culture War.  Let’s hope it holds.

Critical to Mikey Weinstein’s success in squelching the expression of anything one might construe as a religious sentiment by military people on duty are his unprecedented access to commanders at all levels and his willingness to call them directly and give them orders.  Orders those commanders, I suspect presuming — not unreasonably — that Mr. Weinstein’s demands are in accord with the wishes of the current administration, leap to obey.  Their calculation is that not leaping to do Mr. Weinstein’s bidding may be a career-killing mistake — and who wants his career destroyed because he ticked off Mikey Weinstein?

But Mikey Weinstein’s spell may be starting to fade.  Again, let’s hope so.  A second One News Now story quotes Ron Crews of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty reporting:

“I’ve been told by a confidential source that senior leaders at the Air Force are now instructing commanders that [they] do not have to listen every time Mikey calls[.]” …

Crews also tells OneNewsNow that military officials have told him the days of Weinstein’s bullying are over. Air Force commanders, he says, are being told that when the MRFF founder calls, “tell him Thank you for the call and then send it up chain of command so they can start making correct decisions early on.”

Once more, let’s hope that is true.  The serial bullying Weinstein and his pressure group, the misleadingly named Military Religious Freedom Foundation, have engaged in has caught the eye of the mainstream media.  As One News Now further reports:

In commenting on the Robins AFB matter, Todd Starnes of Fox News Channel recently stated: “For whatever the reason, the Air Force is terrified of Weinstein and his minions. I’ve lost count of the number of times they’ve done his bidding and marginalized Christianity within the ranks.” He describes MRFF as “a group of perpetually-offended trouble makers who love to target Christians.”

Sounds like Starnes gets it.  While we’re doing all this hoping, let’s hope others in the media do also, and keep Weinstein’s bullying and — more important — any successful resistance to it in the public eye.

— Comments —

Mark Jaws writes:

As I have posted often in the blogosphere, I love being half Jewish.  To me, it presents the best of both worlds, and provides two “get-out-of-jail” cards in that I can criticize both Jew and Gentile.  Throughout my frequent battles in the political arena (at the local level), I have made good use of my semi-Semitic, cerebral sass and cynicism to use surprise (the unexpected) as a force multiplier and scare away many a leftist troublemaker, like this Weinstein character.

For example, I would tell Mickey right to his face to knock off the Christian-bashing, and to not make matters worse for Jews by ticking off the Goyim, because given trends in Islamic immigration into the U.S., Jews like him are going to need all the friends they can get in the not-so-distant future.  Furthermore, Christian bashing by Jews, whether in Islamic Spain or in the early stages of the Soviet Union, when Russian Jews ran the show, has never served the long term interests of Jews very well.  Eventually, the Goyim get mad. And I think they already are, as I am seeing more people on Facebook posting links documenting Jewish “Kosha Nostra” control of the media, Hollywood, the Federal Reserve, and the Democratic Party.


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