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The Logical End Point of an Environmentally Pure Life « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Logical End Point of an Environmentally Pure Life

March 20, 2015

KARL D. writes:

It appears even the dead are not safe from the Eco-Warriors. A disgusting idea has been born called the “Urban death project.” It proposes erecting a giant, tower-type structure that will essentially be used in an industrialized system to turn your dead loved ones into mulch to replenish the earth. The grief-stricken can be given a small box of human mulch!!

This is creepy and wrong on so many levels I scarcely know where to begin. Even though no one would be killed, the first thing it reminded me of was the Nazis, who turned death and disposal of bodies into an industry. Reverence for the dead doesn’t even occur to these ghouls. Actually, I am wrong on that. To today’s modern atheist and worshipper of science and material reductionism, this seems perfectly reasonable. I find this more chilling than you could know.


—— Comments —

Perfesser Plum writes:

The Urban Death Project touts its proposal—Mulch the Millions—as eco-friendly.  This is false.  They ignore the costs of sheets, saw dust, transportation for the pre- and post-mulched, and, of course, construction of each city’s Mulcharium.

We at Corpses ‘R’ Us have a better idea.  Simply put—eat the dead.

This can be done at NO additional cost and with zero muss and fuss.  Every family has knives, saws, hammers, hatchets, plates, and sriracha sauce, to bring out the subtle flavors of loved ones.  Ah, the aroma of Granny Suggins slowly roasting over an open fire.  Brings back memories of our trip to Borneo.

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