Virginia Abernethy on European America
March 6, 2015
VANDERBILT Professor Virginia Abernethy, a former vice presidential candidate for the American Freedom Party, is interviewed in this video. More here.
This is a very interesting interview.
Abernethy makes the point that mass immigration has caused a plummeting birthrate. It is more likely that mass immigration was the result of declining fertility. Would Americans have tolerated the sudden invasion of foreign workers if they had had larger families and had not approved the ready availability of contraception?
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Mark Jaws writes:
Whenever I am discussing demographic issues with so-called white nationalists on FB and in emails, I always ask these cultural warriors the simple question, “Well, how many children do you have?” I rarely get an answer. So, apparently, all those who whine about whites becoming a minority in the not-so-distant future have done little to solve the problem. If you want a white future, you need white children. By the way, my wife and I have four children, from ages 16 to 32. And my 30-year old daughter, whom I raised to be a race-conscious conservative, already has four children, and is expecting another.
I have seen Ms. Abernethy before, and admire her frankness and resolve. A while back I looked at the demographic cohort known as the Baby Boom, of which 85% is white. I compared birthrates of Baby Boomer White Women (BBWM) with those of their mothers (from the WW2 Generation) and came to the startling conclusion, that if BBWM had borne the same number of children on average as their mothers did from 1946 to 1964, then there would have been born in American an additional 25 million white children from 1965 to 2000, and thus no need to import all these hard-to-assimilate immigrants to mow our lawns, flip our burgers, and flood our welfare rolls. Demographics abhors a vacuum, and BBWM have created one – so much to our detriment that we can kiss the Republic goodbye.
Laura Wood writes:
It seems that Abernethy has the issue somewhat mixed up. I have not read her work so maybe I have misinterpreted what she is saying, but economics alone cannot stop anyone from having children. It’s a moral choice with economic consequences. White nationalists often deny the root of the demographic decline of whites. Fertility in America began to drop significantly from the 1830’s onward, decreasing by 50 percent between 1800 and 1900, with the greater part of that drop occurring after 1870. Between 1870 and 1920, the American birth rate declined by 30 percent.* [Cited in this post
One shouldn’t have children primarily for racial reasons. I don’t think you are saying that, are you?
In Catholic society, large families are balanced by the high number of celibates. Virginity is held as a higher state than marriage by the Church.
Mark Jaws writes:
You asked me whether I thought whites should have children primarily for racial reasons. And the answer is yes and no. I live in Realville, and I fully understand (as you do) that if whites continue to have low birthrates western civilization is gone….goodbye. And that would be tragic. So, in that regard, I think whites who love western civilization and wish to see it flourish in the future, must have more than two children and seek their own homeland with government policies that will encourage large families. Our current pro-black, pro-Hispanic government discourages whites from having large families. Having said all of this, I realize that some folks are simply not capable or cut out to have a large family, or any children for that matter.
Laura Wood writes:
The children of those who do not make ideal parents can be taken care of by others. That was the historic practice of Christendom. When celibacy is held in high regard there are many to help and religious orders that practice charity toward unwanted children.