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Basketball Chutzpah « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Basketball Chutzpah

April 8, 2015

MARK JAWS writes:

Evidently the white liberals at USA Today are upset that there are too many white players on the University of Wisconsin basketball team.

Where to begin with this nonsense? Well, how about we see if the major media moguls themselves reflect the diversity they have been imposing on everyone else? Good news. I have already done so. Back in 2009, I did an in-depth ethnic analysis of the 32 major decision makers of the national media at NBC, CBS, ABC, Time, and Newsweek. I found out that all of them were white, and 28 of them were male. Furthermore, and this came as no surprise to my semi-Semitic self, at least 23 of the 32 media moguls were Jewish (or part Jewish). Well, so much for media diversity. Moral of the story? Liberals who live in all white houses should not throw basketballs at white players.

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