Bergoglio Ends Crackdown on Novus Nuns
April 16, 2015

THE Washington Post reports that Vatican II Church has “unexpectedly” put an end to intense scrutiny of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the heavily political umbrella group that represents the ever-diminishing cohort of radicalized American nuns.
[O]n Thursday, leaders of the umbrella organization and the Vatican officials in charge of the overhaul released statements of mutual respect, and the sisters met in Rome for nearly an hour with Pope Francis. The Vatican released a photo of the nuns sitting across a table from a warmly smiling Francis.
This is no surprise. The women’s religious organization promotes feminism, Marxism-tinged social work and Buddhist-style spirituality, which are all up Bergoglio’s alley. Last year, it honored Sister Elizabeth Johnson, a Fordham University “theologian” whose error-studded writings were even condemned by Church modernists.

The more masculine and undignified nuns have become, the less they have attracted newcomers. Since 1970, the number of women religious in the U.S. has declined from roughly 160,000 to less than 50,000.
This non-Catholic bastion of egalitarianism is dying a slow death and Bergoglian mercy cannot save it.