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Did Dinosaurs and Humans Coexist? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Did Dinosaurs and Humans Coexist?

April 23, 2015


An outdated image of Tyrannosaurus

AN article at the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation explores the historical evidence that human beings walked the earth when dinosaurs were alive, supporting the biblical assertion that every kind of land animal was created at the same time as man.

— Comments —

Mark B. writes:

Here’s a big problem with putting dinosaurs together with humans: Gravity.

Paul writes:

While I have heard the arguments about gravity as being against the existence of dinosaurs, or arguing for a different level of gravity in the past, I have heard no argument that would indicate that gravity has any bearing at all on the possibility of the coexistence of dinosaurs and man.

All cultures have traditions of dragons. All dinosaurs were supposed to be extinct prior to man’s “evolution.” So where did the legends and the remarkably consistent descriptions come from?

Why is it that all evidence of dinosaur and human coexistence is dubbed a hoax or interpreted out of existence, no matter how fantastic a tale is required?

And what about the recent discoveries of Hadrosaurs and T-Rex’s with existing soft tissue (blood, skin, collagen, etc.). If these dinosaurs were actually 67 millions of years old, they would be stone. But here they are, so fresh that they actually smell rotten.

Soft tissue can’t be preserved by any means, let alone accidental means, beyond about 10,000 years.

Dinosaurs did interact with men. The evidence is there, but it needs to be looked at objectively.

Of course, if you really want to get into the fun stuff, just remember” “There were giants in the earth in those days.” Gen: 6-4

Lots of evidence has disappeared into the bowels of the Smithsonian. One wonders if it has been destroyed or if it is in a warehouse somewhere, snuggled up next to Indiana Jones’ Lost Ark.

Mark B. writes:


This explanation for soft tissue in fossils.

It may not be absolutely conclusive, and it appears that soft tissue can be found in many fossils so it is not a rare phenomenon, so that would encourage many to believe that man might be coterminous with sauropods, but the gravity issue remains. Our bodies are built for the current G force, not a much lesser one.

Proof texting with the Bible upon astronomical, biological, natural history themes is generally a hazard and pitfall. It can never fully satisfy.

Laura writes:

The author of the Kolbe Center piece would not have written the article if he thought the Bible answered all scientific questions.

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