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Justice « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


April 4, 2015

TOM writes:

Regarding the abomination going on around us, i.e., its source and the fate of those responsible, this is from “The Mystical City of God” by Venerable Mary of Agreda, wherein was revealed to her Satan’s first rant to his fellow fallen angels in hell, after their being condemned there:

“We will subject the human creatures to our influence and will, in order to destroy them. We will persecute this race of men and will deprive them of the reward promised to them. We will exert all our vigilance, to prevent them from arriving at the vision of God, which was denied us unjustly. I will gain great triumphs over them; I will destroy them all and subject them to my designs.

“I will sow new sects and errors, and set up laws contrary to those of the Most High in all things. I will raise up from among men false prophets and leaders, who will spread these doctrines and I will scatter this seed through them and afterwards I will assign to them a place in these profound torments.

“I will afflict the poor, oppress the afflicted, and persecute the timid. I will sow discord, excite wars, and stir up nations against each other.

I will raise up proud and haughty men to extend the dominion of sin and after they shall have executed my designs, I will bury them in this eternal fire, and in so much the greater torments, the more faithfully they followed me. This is my kingdom and this is the re ward which I will give to those who follow me.” [Emphasis added.]

Happy Easter to you and yours!

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