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Pay Discrimination Myths « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Pay Discrimination Myths

April 13, 2015

HANS BADER looks at some of the commonly-cited statistics regarding differences in earnings between men and women.

— Comments —

Laurence Butler writes:

There’s a fundamental economic problem with the claim that women only make 77% as much as men, or 77 cents for each man’s dollar mad eat the exact same job. As you point out, many of the jobs are not, as it turns out, equal; just look at the disparate fatality rates.

Nevertheless, it’s fun to play at liberals with their own game, especially when the conversation becomes economic. Something I’ve often wondered, and queried to my liberal acquaintances when the circumstance permits is this:

IF corporations are as big, conniving, and profit-hungry as liberals say (and with some justification, I’ll admit, though I don’t attach morality to such motivations), and IF men and women really are doing the exact same jobs, THEN why on earth would the capitalist pigs ever pay men one dollar for what they could just as productively pay a woman 77 cents to do?

Laura writes:

They would say corporations are driven by profit for men.

By the way, you should attach morality to business motivations. It’s no different from any other part of life. Liberals are right in sensing that something is wrong with modern capitalism, but they are wrong in thinking the solution is more bureaucrats and social engineers.

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