St. Joseph
April 22, 2015

Hymn: Te, Joseph, celebrent
O Joseph, heavenly hosts thy worthiness proclaim,
And Christendom conspires to celebrate thy fame,
Thou who in purest bonds wert to the Virgin bound;
How glorious is thy name renowned.
Thou, when thou didst behold thy Spouse about to bear,
Wert sore oppressed with doubt, wert filled with wondering care;
At length the Angel’s word thy anxious heart relieved:
She by the spirit hath conceived.
Thou with thy newborn Lord didst seek far Egypt’s land,
As wandering pilgrims ye fled o’er the desert sand;
That Lord, when lost, by thee is in the Temple found,
While tears are shed, and joys abound.
Not till death’s hour is past do other men obtain
The meed of holiness, and glorious rest attain;
Thou, like to Angels made, in life completely blest,
Dost clasp thy God unto thy breast.
O Holy Trinity, Thy suppliant servants spare;
Grant us to rise to heaven for Joseph’s sake and prayer,
And so our grateful hearts to Thee shall ever raise
Exulting canticles of praise. Amen
For more on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, see here.