Stations of the Yoga Mat
April 3, 2015

IF YOU thought you’d seen every possible travesty of Catholic worship since Vatican II, you were wrong. Body in Prayer translates the Stations of the Cross into yoga exercises.
Vatican II’s syncretistic worship is a hoax perpetrated upon the well-intentioned and innocent.
No Catholic should practice yoga, let alone practice it in a church. Yoga is a spiritual discipline, not just a bunch of cool calisthenics. It’s a spiritual discipline that inculcates Pantheism, the belief that God and the universe are one, a concept opposed to the transcendent God and condemned many times by the Catholic Church. Pope Pius XI, in Mit Brennender Sorge (# 7), March 14, 1937, wrote:
“Whoever identifies, by pantheistic confusion, God and the universe, by either lowering God to the dimensions of the world, or raising the world to the dimensions of God, is not a believer in God.”
Yoga stations are but one small example of the revolutionary changes in worship. The Traditio website lists many of the Holy Week liturgical innovations since 1962 and recounts this incident:
After the celebration of Good Friday at the University of Durham, England, one year, Rev. Dr. T.C.G. Glover, JCD, a former priest of the Roman Oratory, who continued to celebrate the Sacred Triduum in the traditional Roman form, not in the [new rites], was asked why he didn’t celebrate the New Rite of Holy Week introduced into the New Order church by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini. His answer was pure Dr. Glover at his very best: “I would rather get drunk in a brothel than celebrate that crap.”