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The Election You Should Ignore « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Election You Should Ignore

April 23, 2015

IN CASE you mistakenly plan to invest emotional energy in the 2016 presidential election and place your hopes in Republicans, I offer this story on Marco Rubio’s support for “gay marriage.”

As Thomas Droleskey wrote ten years ago:

It is my view that the national establishment of the Republican Party is so corrupted by careerism and the moneyed interests which support contraception and abortion, to say nothing of active homosexual behavior, that it is irredeemable. Strong words, yes. But what is it going to take to convince good people of the stark reality that has been hitting us in the head again and [again] in the last two decades? Is it really worthy continuing to fight a battle in a political party that is committed institutionally first and foremost to its own perpetuation in power as an end in and of itself?

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