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Will Muslim Bakeries Be Targeted? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Will Muslim Bakeries Be Targeted?

April 9, 2015

HERE’S a humorous look at the fact that no Muslim bakeries or pizzerias have been targeted for refusing to cater “gay weddings.” Why is this unlikely ever to happen? I realize you already know why, but let’s just briefly mention the reasons.

First, Muslims do not take kindly to religious challenges.

Secondly, the Muslim view of homosexuality is inhuman and cruel. It is just so obviously wrong.

It is precisely because the Christian view of homosexuality is not hateful, it is precisely because it is charitable toward those afflicted with homosexual inclinations that it is targeted. The Christian view of homosexuality is based on objective truth and kindness. Thus it is truly threatening to homosexual liberation, which is founded on lies and distortions.

True morality is far more charitable toward the homosexually-inclined than Islam and far more charitable than liberalism, which simply ignores the scientific facts of the harmful medical, psychological and spiritual consequences of homosexual behavior and says, “Deal with it.”

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

Excellent evidence of the war on Christianity.  As the commentator points out, when a person says that a photographer who does not want to photograph a gay wedding should not go into photography, the person’s premise is unless you agree with what I think, you don’t have the right to be a photographer.  I recommend people read 1984, assigned but gripping reading as a ninth-grader in a Catholic high school.  The best movie version is the 1956! Edmund O’Brian version.  Chilling.

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