All Boys
May 14, 2015
WHAT are the odds of a woman giving birth to 13 boys? I don’t know, but it’s extremely rare.
Of course, “Pope” Francis would say these are 13 rabbits.
— Comments —
Adam writes from Arizona:
“What are the odds of a woman giving birth to 13 boys?”
Assuming that the probability of having one boy is 50% (1/2), then the probability of having 13 boys in a row is 1/2 raised to the 13th power, which works out to a probability of 1 in 8,192.
Natassia writes:
In my homeschool co-op is a mother with 7 boys (or is it 8 now?)
Apparently, every woman’s body is unique and this particular woman’s reproductive system is hostile to x-chromosome sperm. I always thought that the sex of a baby was completely controlled by the man, but that is not so. The woman’s body has a lot of influence on which sperm are successful. I thought that was amazing.