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Bikers Rally at Mosque « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bikers Rally at Mosque

May 30, 2015

FROM Daily Kenn:

The media is casting a disparaging eye towards Phoenix, Arizona.

It is there that a biker rally is planned today.

The site? A mosque.

The reason? Another ‘draw Mohammed cartoon contest.’

The purpose? A demonstration of free speech.

Check out the organizers’ Facebook page. They are adding their Second Amendment rights to their First Amendment rights: Feel free to bring firearms.

The location is the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix. This is the place of worship attended by the two terrorists who were killed at a similar event near Dallas, Texas May 3.

Oddly the media — the same media that tireless[ly] parade the evils of the Klan before our eyes — is siding with Islam. Apparently they are unaware that Islam kills more people in a single day than fringe Klansmen killed since the movement’s inception. Islam has been in the terror-torture business for 1,400 years.

— Comments —

A faithful reader:

Daily Kenn writes:    “Apparently they (the media) are unaware that Islam kills more people in a single day than fringe Klansmen killed since the movement’s inception.”

Of course they are aware. But they choose to ignore it because they have one thing in common with Islam–the destruction of Christianity.

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