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Empty Streets and Patriarchal Laws « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Empty Streets and Patriarchal Laws

May 13, 2015

A READER writes from Ireland:

Some months ago, I returned from a week in France where I had taken a holiday with my brother who has lived in France for quite a few years. My brother took me to several picture-postcard towns in the area, where signs such as ‘A Vendre/For Sale’ or ‘A Louer/For Rent’ were most prevalent. The brother said that in these towns these signs have been on show for some 12 to 15 years now, since he started to come to the area. We arrived in these towns in the middle of the day and the streets were empty at a time when the French go to the bars and restaurants to eat lunch. I saw a few teenagers, but absolutely no children on the streets. I did however see plenty of old people with their little dogs — the new children. This is the same France where “mére” and “pére” will soon be non-PC words, if not illegal words.

But the situation is the same throughout the West.

As we speak “same-sex marriage” is the new liberal agenda demand in Ireland, being compared to Martin Luther King and “civil rights,” according to our Deputy Prime Minister recently. We will have a Referendum on “same-sex marriage” on May 22, and it looks like it will pass by a landslide. The government is also moving to introduce abortion into Ireland, while the same politicians who make their “Reproductive Health Care” speeches on Monday, make their “Looming Pensions Crisis” speeches on Tuesday.

In 1880 Pope Leo XIII (No. 256) predicted today’s social mess when he opposed artificial contraception. Time will also prove the statement from the late Cardinal Hume of Westminster that “a contraceptive mentality inevitably leads to an abortion mentality” to be correct. Time will prove the super-non-PC statement from a former Archbishop of Dublin, some years ago now, that planned children are less loved than unplanned children to be true. Today in Greece, there are 42 (YES 42) grandchildren for 100 grandparents. Research here in Ireland shows that a woman with three children is financially better off as an unmarried mother than being married to a chap doing the average job. So a man in Ireland must earn above the average wage to compete with the government for his wife. After the Fall of Eastern European Communism, diaries and Government documents in the archives showed that the main reason that the Communists had promoted the participation of married women in the paid workforce after World War II was to give the GOVERNMENT control of the children and not to promote female equality as the Communists claimed.  Fast forward to the politicians making their “free childcare” speeches today.

The solution to the social mess will follow this template.

The State will have to make marriage an enforceable legal contract, which will mean that the spouse who wants out, leaves with NO children, NO money and NO house rendering the innocent spouse a widow or a widower almost as the case may be.

We will see states recognize one type and only one type of household, the married household. This will mean that the ONLY couples considered for Adoption/Fostering are MARRIED couples.

The tax laws must be changed so that the ‘Mr. & Mrs Murphy’ Family with Mr. Murphy working his tail off to pay the bills, while Mrs. Murphy works at home with the children, is the ONLY Household to get tax benefits.

In the long-term total economic and social breakdown, which will make the economic mess today look like a toddlers’ playschool tiff, will benefit society, especially children. This will mean that a good man of 35 or 40 years of age can marry a lady 15 or 18 years his junior and father 10 children. We will see a return of large families of 8 to 12 children as people will need the children to support the parents in old age as children become new pensions. On the other hand a woman older than 35 will have great difficulties becoming a mother.

Sooner or later the pension laws will be changed to link a person’s pension to the number of children that person had. So the bigger the family, the bigger the pension you get.

There is no case known to history since people started living in caves of any long-term successful society that was not organized along patriarchal lines — and that means love, honor and obey your husbands, ladies.

The most radical measure that must be taken is to ban artificial contraception like cocaine is banned today. So that years from now we will hear the following news bulletin:

A. Tom, Dick and Harry got 20 years for importing Cocaine,

B. Alan, Dave and Stan got 20 years for importing Contraceptives.

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