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Francis Luv « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Francis Luv

May 12, 2015

CExFX9JXIAAz5NMTHE MISSION of the Catholic Church is to save souls. The mission of  Jorge Bergoglio is to market a New World love-a-thon in which the religious consumer is always right. In a clothing store where the saleswoman tells every customer how fabulous she looks, the message conveyed is: “We love you! Come back and spend some more!” The new logo of Francis’s upcoming visit to the U.S. conveys a similar message. This is a shallow, insincere love. Once again, Novus Ordo Watch nails it:

Overall, the logo appears rather sterile, with no clear identity other than the figure that has its back turned toward you. But really, replace the illustration of Francis with one of the Dalai Lama, and it would fit just as much. As well it should, for it might as well be the Dalai Lama that comes to visit — the message preached will substantially be the same.


The official slogan to go with this logo is “Love is our Mission” — wish that it were so! The absence of a crucifix or cross is your first indicator that the “love” which Francis is on a mission for is not the love of genuine Christian charity (we recall also his “mission” to the rabbis here). No, Francis’ mission is not true love, the love of charity as commanded by God towards Him and our fellow-man for His sake (see Mt 22:36-40); no, Bergoglio preaches a corrupted version of charity, not “love” but “luv”. We have written on this before: His “luv” consists of a shallow, insincere, and worldly compassion-for-show that focuses only on the needs of the body while craftily starving the soul. Of course the needs of the body are important, but they are subordinate to the needs of the soul, which are of much greater importance. All feeding of the homeless will do them no good if they are not also helped spiritually so they can reach eternal salvation. For the body will necessarily face the corruption of the grave before long, but the soul will live unto eternity (with the body then resurrected, either to glory or to shame — cf. Jn 5:29): “And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Mt 10:28).

Remember the sweet little girl in the Philippines that cried in front of Francis because she saw the great evil of suffering among the children there, especially through child prostitution, and she was struggling to understand how a good God could allow this? Instead of nourishing her tender soul with the sweet milk of the saving Gospel, which alone gives the true sense of all suffering and the great merit to be derived especially from the suffering of the innocent, if born patiently and with resignation to God’s will, he simply gave her a hug (that’s the shallow and phony part of his “mercy” and “luv”). Certainly, this hug gave her some consolation for a brief moment, but what he did then was inject a venomous lie into the sweet soul of that dear child. He said to her, “There is no answer.” Now that was cruel. That is what will stay with the girl long after the comfort of the hug is gone. That is what will make her doubt God, or hate God, and perhaps even despair.

 The world, of course, loves what Francis did, because it’s a great photo combined with a great soundbite, displaying his supposed “humility” by claiming we do not know the answer to this all-important question. In reality, what Francis did was neither merciful, nor compassionate, nor charitable. In the true sense of the word, he scandalized the little girl and all who listened to him, by putting a stumbling block into their spiritual path.


Unfortunately, most minds in this nation — the United States of America — have been so dumbed down or been fed such an inadequate or erroneous education that they would never know the difference between genuine love and a fake “luv”. Ours is a society in which just about anything is called “love” that really isn’t, and true love is labeled “hate”. Everything is backwards now: Lust is taken for love; niceness is taken for love; offending God rather than man is taken for love. By contrast, true love often has to correct, rebuke, and “offend” — man for the sake of God, that is; and this is now labeled “hate.” Black has become white; light has become darkness; right has become wrong. [cont.]

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