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Ginsburg’s Glee « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Ginsburg’s Glee

May 23, 2015

ACCORDING to Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has already revealed the outcome of the case on same-sex marriage:

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd was a guest last Sunday at a homosexual wedding ceremony presided over by Justice Ginsburg herself.

The wedding took place in a glitzy setting, the Anderson House in the Embassy Row neighborhood, which houses a club for descendants of soldiers, both French and American, who fought in the Revolutionary War.

Here are the telling paragraphs from Dowd’s column (emphasis mine):.

“But the most glittering moment for the crowd came during the ceremony. With a sly look and special emphasis on the word ‘Constitution,’ Justice Ginsburg said that she was pronouncing the two men married by the powers vested in her by the Constitution of the United States.

“No one was sure if she was emphasizing her own beliefs or giving a hint to the outcome of the case the Supreme Court is considering whether to decide if same-sex marriage is constitutional.

“But the guests began applauding loudly, delighted either way. Justice Ginsburg, who has officiated at same-sex weddings in the past, also seemed delighted…”

Well, the guests may have pretended to be unsure of the significance of Ginsburg’s words, but we don’t have to be. When she emphasized the word “Constitution” and did so with a “sly look,” Ginsburg was most emphatically not “giving a hint” about the outcome of the Supreme Court’s vote, she was telling us as plainly as possible.

Ginsburg was informing us that the Supreme Court has already decided that marriage based on what Massachusetts state law still calls the “abominable and detestable crime against nature” is now a right guaranteed in the Constitution.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

“… is now a right guaranteed in the Constitution.”

There’s a shocker for ya! But I disagree; that’s not what Ginsburg is telling us at all. What she is actually telling us is that same-sex “marriage” has been a right guaranteed in the Constitution since day one, and that ratification of the 14th Amendment enshrined and clarified this, among other things. She is also saying that only now has the SCOTUS consisted of justices with backbone enough to obey this clear, unambiguous (but I repeat myself) Constitutional mandate.

Apologies all around.

Eric writes:

“Gay marriage:” From circus act to constitutional right in just ten short years.


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