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If He Said It, It Must Be Heresy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

If He Said It, It Must Be Heresy

May 29, 2015


“POPE” Francis is a veritable Vesuvius of anti-Catholic smoke and lava, an almost-daily eruption of distortions and obfuscations of the Faith he has rejected. The other day, however, he went even further and openly admitted to the willingness to teach heresy.

“And it comes to my mind to say something that may be foolish or perhaps a heresy, I don’t know.”

Thomas Droleskey writes:

Those looking for “proof” of pertinacious heresy have been given it by Jorge Mario Bergoglio himself, a man who cares not one whit for Catholic doctrine. His is a religion of sentiment and emotionalism, a mere projection of whatever “random” thoughts” come into his head as he speaks from a heart blackened with the stain of the endless delights that he has taken throughout the course of his career as a lay Jesuit to “make a mess” as an ecclesiastical, theological, liturgical, pastoral and moral revolutionary.

And from Novus Ordo Watch:

Really, the Francis “pontificate” is Sedevacantism for Dummies. He’s now telling his adherents to their face that he is a heretic! No, not simply a heretic “perhaps” but for sure, not only because what he said after this prefatory remark was indeed frightening heresy (his “ecumenism of blood” and “Protestants and Catholics are one” heresies — see our original post), but also because he expressed very clearly that he is absolutely willing to adhere to and teach heresy, even though — thus he claimed — he “does not know” whether this particular idea is heretical or not. Even if he doesn’t know, the fact that he is willing to teach and adhere to it regardless shows his heretical depravity. An analogy will help: A deer hunter who sees a creature move in the forest but cannot tell whether it is a deer or a human being but shoots nonetheless is morally (though not legally) guilty of murder, because sin exists in the will, and he is clearly showing himself to be willing to shoot a human being if that’s what it should turn out to be. Similarly, here in Francis we have someone who, claiming ignorance, is perfectly willing to preach heresy to the world, because by his own admission what he is saying may very well be a heresy and this does not deter him.

Do you want to understand why it is not possible for a pope to be a heretic and why we know that if such a thing has happened, the pope has lost his authority and is an anti-pope? Read this.

Boiling it down to the basics: The reason it is impossible for the Church to have a publicly heretical Pope is that this would destroy the unity of the Church, one of the hallmarks of her nature.

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