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Irish Sheep Jump Over the Cliff « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Irish Sheep Jump Over the Cliff

May 24, 2015



The only thing you need to be “Catholic” in Ireland is a big, goofy, “joyful” smile. Here is the “Tickle-Me-Til-I-Pop” “Bishop” of Derry, Donal McKeown

FORMERLY Catholic Ireland voted overwhelmingly yesterday to recognize same-sex “marriage.” Though marriage can’t be changed by polls, referenda or courts, though ultimately we have no more control over the terms of marriage than we have over the revolutions of the planets, people can pretend to change it, and that’s what the Irish have done.

Jorge Bergoglio, the phony pope, encouraged the “Yes” vote in Ireland by his brilliant statements on the issue. The “Archbishop” of Dublin and the “bishop” of Derry both publicly encouraged the “yes” vote.

“I don’t doubt that there are many people who are practicing churchgoers of whatever church background who will in conscience vote Yes, and that’s entirely up them. I’m not going to say they’re wrong,” said “Bishop” Ding Dong of Derry, Donal McKeown.

With shepherds like these, who needs wolves?

The vote is not surprising. The Vatican II clergy not only rejected the rites and key dogmas of the Catholic Church, thereby spreading a false religion that is different from Catholicism and that has been in power since the ’60s, they also alienated the Irish people by failing to remove sodomite clergy and prevent a scourge of child sex abuse.

For some sobering facts about the sort of couples who may be able to “marry” in Ireland soon, see the research of Joseph Nicolosi on the male couple. This is the sort of life Irish children will be encouraged to join. And see Heather Barwick on her life growing up with lesbian “mothers.” Contrary to being a vote of “love” and acceptance, the Irish people have voted for pagan callousness and indifference. The Catholic Church once made them a people of genuine love and good will. It is impossible to love any person unless one cares about his ultimate salvation. Note to the modern Irish Druids: “The human soul does not die. Stay tuned.”

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

He ought to have that “*hit-eatin'” grin summarily wiped off his face. I realize it isn’t pc, and blah, blah, blah, but one of the biggest problems with modernity is its making it all but impossible for us to solve such issues in their infancy. As I’ve said many times, Bill Clinton would not have made it out of my high school anything near what he was coming out of his. If that sounds violent and ominous, well, it is. One has to make the choice on what he prefers.

Bill R. writes:

A sad and shameful day for the Irish, made all the worse by how utterly blind they have become, as the same blindness spreads throughout all the Christian West. How heart-wrenching it is to see with what blitheness they have shown their disdain for both the natural order as well as a sacred institution and the manner in which it has been understood for all of human history! How sad to see with what reckless abandon and fearless celebration they reject both, how carelessly they have discarded, as one might a soiled paper towel into a waste basket, the religious traditions, precepts, and heritage that have guided, comforted, and been faithful to their people for so many generations!

Even if they were right, one might have thought they could have shown a little more respect, a little more humility and solemnity, for the passing of so old and kind and faithful a friend. Were they so anxious to cheer the arrival, at long last, of their brave new world, that they could not even pause to nod an acknowledgment to this old friend as he passed quietly from their midst? But perhaps, again in their blindness, they simply cannot see yet that this new “marriage” they have welcomed is, in reality — and has been all along, as all along it was intended to be — a funeral.

In time they may find that, given the nature of this perversion and the degree to which those that have it define their identity by it, the compulsive appetite of the people they have favored with this decision cannot be sated; be it their carnal appetite or their political one. And in discovering this, they may also finally see how it happens that tolerance becomes just another form of hypocrisy, to say nothing of a crass, cynical, and self-serving manipulation of the foolishly well-meaning and guilt-ridden, when those who demand it most are, in fact, the ones who give it least; when those who are allowed to gorge on it, even as they are encouraged in their endless demand for more, are content not only to watch others starve for it, but, indeed, insist they have no right (since we’re all just nasty bigots and homophobes, of course) to even claim hunger.

Mary writes:

It’s hard not to despair when Ireland votes for homosexual marriage. But I tend to agree with the writer of this piece (from a couple of years ago):

“[Chesterton’s] warning has gone unheeded, and sexual morality has decayed progressively. But let us remember that it began with birth control, which is an attempt to create sex for sex’s sake, changing the act of love into an act of selfishness. The promotion and acceptance of lifeless, barren, selfish sex has logically progressed to homosexuality.”

“Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is the order. And the Catholic Church teaches that it is a sacramental order, with divine implications. The world has made a mockery of marriage that has now culminated with homosexual unions. But it was heterosexual men and women who paved the way to this decay. Divorce, which is an abnormal thing, is now treated as normal. Contraception, another abnormal thing, is now treated as normal. Abortion is still not normal, but it is legal. Making homosexual “marriage” legal will not make it normal, but it will add to the confusion of the times. And it will add to the downward spiral of our civilization. But Chesterton’s prophecy remains: We will not be able to destroy the family. We will merely destroy ourselves by disregarding the family.”

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