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Judge Orders Mother to Surrender Child to “Gay” Father « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Judge Orders Mother to Surrender Child to “Gay” Father

May 7, 2015

High Court Justice Allison Russell

High Court Justice Alison Russell

A BRITISH High Court judge, who so fits the part of the cruel feminist tyrant in this photo that it seems a caricature, has ruled in the case of a surrogacy deal that broke down:

The decision that the [one-year-old] girl should live with the gay couple was the culmination of a long court battle.

The judge said the girl was born in January 2014 as a result of a surrogacy arrangement in which the mother agreed to bear the child. The gay couple would be the main parents, while the mother – who first met the father when they were both teenagers in Romania – would live with them to share parenting.

The judge rejected the mother’s claim that the child – conceived after an insemination process at the gay couple’s home – was always going to be brought up by her, with secondary involvement from the father.

Ms Justice Russell ruled that the mother was lying and that she really only wanted to use the father as a sperm donor. In a string of critical findings about the mother, the judge said she had been homophobic and offensive when she said the relationship of the gay couple was ‘on-off’ and when she called them sexually promiscuous.

She said her negative attitudes to the father and his partner would harm her daughter, and that the mother had used her breast-feeding of the child in an effort to manipulate the court into supporting her.

Ms Justice Russell said that although the baby had come to no harm under its mother’s care, the child would have a more open and healthy upbringing with her father and his partner.

Dame Alison Russell was reportedly the first woman judge in Britain to request to be addressed as “Ms.”

She asked for the honorific a year ago on the day she was appointed to join the senior ranks of the High Court and was given approval by the Lord Chief Justice and President of the Family Division Sir James Munby.

The decision to allow a judge to be addressed in a manner that would once have been regarded as vulgar or informal was a departure from past practice, in which women judges were not permitted to deviate from established forms of address.

Dame Alison may also be the first senior judge who is a cohabitee rather than married.

She lives with her partner Julian Francis in Brixton, south London.

Raised in Scotland, she was educated at an independent school in Ayr and studied at South Bank Polytechnic.

She has no children and describes her interests as Spain, Handel, cooking and playing with her niece and nephews.

Among her controversial cases, she decided a boy with irreversible brain damage should be taken off life-support against his parents’ wishes.

Even George Orwell didn’t foresee this kind of reproductive dystopia. There are no adequate words to describe this new form of child abuse, including the callous surrogacy deal and the judge’s ruling to hand a baby over to two homosexual men. It’s state-sanctioned kidnapping.

— Comments —

Frank, who sent the story, writes:

I actually felt sick reading this. How can such a rapid descent into Hell have happened to this great country?

Bill R. writes:

Laura writes how this Alison Russell “so fits the part of the cruel feminist tyrant in this photo that it seems a caricature.” Indeed, she immediately reminded me of the Emperor from Star Wars, right down to the drooping jowels and pitiless downward turn of the mouth. To which I can only add, if only that could really be just a joke! What a hideous, morally fetid creature! Can you imagine someone like that with the power of Stalin? She’d make Stalin himself blush, and make all the rest of us wish, if only she was Stalin! “Justice Alison Russell.” How a word like “justice” could be more completely abused and misapplied than being attached to the name of an authentic monster like this, I cannot imagine. But such are the times, as the growing, hardening tyranny of the West proceeds apace behind the charge of such wicked and incompetent elites.


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