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Marilyn Mosby for President « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Marilyn Mosby for President

May 1, 2015


YOU gotta admit, she’s got what it takes: Seeming hatred for America, a disregard for the rule of law (notice the rush to press charges before the cause of Gray’s spinal injury has been determined and her inflaming of the anger of the rioters) and membership in the 21st-century racial aristocracy. Plus she’s a woman. And she has amazing rhetorical gifts:

“To the youth of this city: I will seek justice on your behalf. This is a moment. This is your moment,” she said. “…. You are at the forefront of generational and systemic changes. … As young people, our time is now.”

Marilyn Mosby’s star has just begun to rise.

— Comments —

NP writes:

I heard a couple of men interviewed on CNN swoon all over her. She’s smart, young, aggressive, a “rookie,” etc. It’s kind of patronizing, if you think about. Apparently the average female, minority prosecutor lacks these qualities. (She also appears to be mixed race.)

I guess I felt that way about Kristy McNichol (whatever happened to her?) when I was an adolescent. I’d like to think I’ve outgrown it.

Bill R. writes:

The now predictably fawned over and lauded “African-American,” Marilyn Mosby has declared with striking originality (and a face that oozes arrogance) that “no one is above the law.”

No, of course not, Miss Mosby, just Negro looters and rioters, that’s all.

And so, “To the black looters and rioters people of Baltimore and black looters and rioters the demonstrators across America, I heard your call for ‘no justice, no peace,'” she said. “Your peace is sincerely needed, as I work to deliver your pound of flesh justice on behalf of this young man.”

“It was the people, it was the people out in the streets that made this happen,” declared Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, a civil rights activist.

Yeah, right, reverend, they made it happen all right; like a 6-year-old’s temper tantrum being rewarded with an ice cream cone.

Mark Jaws writes:

Of course Marilyn Mosby is of mixed race. Look at her skin color and the oft mentioned fact that she hails from “five generation of police officers,” which very likely means back to the 19th century. I do not think there were too many black policemen back in the 1890s. But unlike our current president of mixed race (who happens to be a very distant cousin to my wife), Ms. Mosby is impulsive and too much in your face – even for white liberals. It took the smoothness and soothing qualities of Obama’s empty and ambivalent rhetoric to get his campaign off the ground. She lacks both qualities.

Laura writes:

She’ll probably have to settle for Congresswoman, Senator or mayor. Or maybe Attorney General.

Laura adds:

Here are descriptions of the officers charged. The most serious charge of second degree murder was filed against Officer Caesar Goodson, who is black. Two of the other officers are black.

Buck writes:

(If NP is asking about the TV actress, she’s been living with her lesbian “partner” for the last two decades. Surely you had to see that coming.)

I smoked a cigar last night with a demoralized Montgomery County, Maryland cop who has been tasked with a team to show the Baltimorons how to crowd control after the first nights of the rebellion. Apparently Montgomery County has the only crowd control expertise in the region. He’s fed up and is looking for a position elsewhere.

I don’t know how anyone with good sense or any sense of duty, could be a cop in a black-run, no-go zone like the blights in Baltimore. It’s also naive to expect no “…impropriety…and conflicts of interest” within the ruling black thuggery. Politically saavy and educated blacks emasculate whites and now have them on the run in Baltimore, and they both know it.

You gotta love this. Presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley rushed back to Baltimore just to get thrown under a city bus, even by Michael Steele. He’s widely cited as being a big part of “the problem.” As Baltimore’s mayor from 1999 to 2007, his zero-tolerance policing approach coincides with most of Freddie Gray’s 18-count rap sheet. He’s accused of being the cause of the “tensions” that led to the ongoing rebellion.

Eric writes:

She looks like Michael Jackson, after all his surgeries. It’s uncanny.

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