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Marriage as Rebellion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Marriage as Rebellion

May 15, 2015

THE number of people who consider themselves “homosexuals” is so small, they could never have waged a successful campaign to institutionalize same-sex “marriage” on their own. This campaign needed the support of “protohomosexuals,” argues Tyler Blanski in an excellent piece at Crisis. 

Why are so many straight people pro gay? Because the normalization of homosexuality is the premiere achievement of heterosexual ideology. “Gay” and “straight” are not taxonomies but ideologies. They are not orientations but disorientations: whether bi-, homo-, or hetero-, hyphenated sexuality makes us lose our sense of direction toward the truly sexual, and the victims of such ideology are children.

The words “homosexual” and “heterosexual” are nineteenth-century neologisms made to sever romance from responsibility and sex from fecundity. “Heterosexuality was made to serve as this fanciful framework’s regulating ideal,” writes Michael Hannon, summarizing Foucault, “preserving the social prohibitions against sodomy and other sexual debaucheries without requiring recourse to the procreative nature of human sexuality.” The myth has become fact, and that is why so many straight people are pro gay. Homosexuality ratifies heterosexuality.

The very principles and practices that aid and abet homosexual ideology only validate heterosexual ideology: cohabitation, no-fault divorce, sterile sex, the exultation of romantic love, the trite story of the couple who rebels against the world so they can ride off into the sunset together, the assumption that children are a lifestyle option, even a purchasable commodity through adoption and in vitro fertilization. Heterosexuality, I would argue, is in fact protohomosexuality.

It’s not as if people in modern times are more selfish by nature than people were hundreds of years ago. We are social creatures and don’t invent our ideas of love on our own. What Blanksi doesn’t say is that the devolution of marital love was the inevitable result of the secularization of Western governments that followed the Protestant revolution. In other words, marriage can’t be restored by simply arguing people away from certain false ideas. Western society has fallen from grace. It is socially atheist, and that is the root of the problem.

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