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Mattress Stunt Continues at Columbia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mattress Stunt Continues at Columbia

May 19, 2015


COLUMBIA University student and mega feminist celebrity Emma Sulkowicz continues to accuse and publicly humiliate a male student whom she contends raped her. Instead of being expelled from the school, yesterday she carried her mattress onstage at graduation and was applauded by the audience.

Here we see the wisdom in the traditional segregation of the sexes in education. Men were better off when they went to school without women. And women were better off when they went to school without men.

— Comments —

Thomas F. Bertonneau writes:

Regarding the photograph of Ms. S., her coed chums, and the mattress – I suspect that the image accurately sums up what an Ivy League humanities or social sciences degree is worth these days.  The main perpetrator’s skite-eating grin is itself an epitome of the age.

Laura writes:

Columbia should add a mattress image to its seal. That would give a better idea of what an education there means.


 DE writes:

I read today first “Thou Shalt Not Mature,” and then: “Mattress Stunt Continues at Columbia,” and couldn’t help but notice that the mattress lady wore sneakers to her graduation.

May 20, 2015

Laura writes:

Posters challenging Sulkowicz have appeared in the neighborhood near the Columbia campus.


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