May is Marian
May 3, 2015

From prayers and hymns to Mary, the Queen of all hearts:
O Queen of Heaven! obtain for me
Thy glory there one day to see.
Oh then and there, on that bright day,
To me thy womb’s chaste Fruit display.
Here is a reflection on “Mary’s First Graces:”
Mary began her journey along the road to perfection at a height to which other saints only arrive at the end of a long life of saintliness. God loved her more at the first moment of her existence than He loved the holiest among the rest of men at the time that their earthly pilgrimage was over and they were ripe for their heavenly reward. What glory must have been hers even from the beginning!
If we look at Mary through the eyes of feminism, however, we see a woman who did nothing with her life. The greatest woman who ever lived, this paragon of contemplation, the woman who is more loved and honored and revered and cherished than any other woman in history, did nothing important. Only by contradicting their essential principles can feminists uphold Mary, usually as a symbol of girl power.