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Post Scolds Public for Caring about Slaying « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Post Scolds Public for Caring about Slaying

May 21, 2015

A WASHINGTON POST columnist writes that the public is paying too much attention to the recent torture and slaying of a wealthy D.C. couple, who were killed along with their son and their maid. Petula Dvorak writes:

Meanwhile, thousands of regular, everyday people are killed in burglaries, in house fires and by family members. And the rest of the country rarely gives two hoots. The race and class of victims undoubtedly play a role in this. And there’s something sad about that.

We shouldn’t place more value on a life if the victim was pretty or wealthy or white. A mansion fire shouldn’t be treated as more tragic than a rowhouse blaze. And a dead socialite should not be treated as more important than a dead prostitute. This isn’t #RichLivesMatter.

Dvorak is seemingly unaware that a city nearby was just torched after the death of a poor black man. Imagine the Post expressing similar thoughts about the deaths of Freddie Gray or Michael Brown within days of their deaths.

The killing of the Savopoulos family is similar to some of the recent brutal crimes in South Africa, where white farmers have been tortured for hours before they are killed. And the Washington Post doesn’t give two hoots about them.

— Comments —

Wheeler writes:

One wonders how this journalist would explain the almost total media silence in the horrific torture/rape/murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome. Did their lives matter? Were their deaths “unfortunate?”

Josh F. writes:

When do we stop asking the painfully framed rhetorical “what if” and start NAMING these “white” self-annihilators for who they are?  When do we say — to the in-your-face demand that black lives matter — “…to whom?” This “tribal” alliance of “white” and “black” degenerates is only as deep as the hatred of humanity embraced by the craziest amongst them

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