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Runaway Black Firefighter « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Runaway Black Firefighter

May 19, 2015

KARL D. writes:

A black affirmative action hire in New York City’s Fire Department is literally running away from fighting fires! Though there have been numerous complaints by his fellow firefighters as well as his own captain, it has fallen on deaf ears as far as the top brass is concerned. It seems that New York has quite literally become a sacrificial State, willing to offer up to the flames firefighters and innocent victims alike to the god of political correctness.

In some ways it seems the black man has taken on Mohammedan qualities. Like Mohammed, he must be unquestionably worshipped and command submission. One cannot speak ill of him, criticize him, or question his motives lest one has one’s life or fortunes destroyed. Who knows? Maybe soon we won’t be able to draw his likeness anymore as well. Of course I am joking. But not by very much.


— Comments —

NP writes:

Stories like this make me wonder. Putting aside the merits of affirmative action when it comes to, say, accountants and tax attorneys, does anyone (even liberals) think it’s all swell and good when it comes to professions such as firemen and policemen? Aren’t there at least a few professions where lives are “on the line” so that ability should trump race (or gender)?

While it’s generally wrong to impute bad motives to people one doesn’t know, sometimes I wonder if the agenda is nihilism when it comes to situations such as this.

Ayn Rand once attacked those who “hate the good for being the good.” Is it unfair to say the hard left thinks that burn victims resulting from incompetent firemen, sexually assaulted women in Scandinavia thanks to Muslims, etc. are just “collateral damage” in the march to equality?

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