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Stop Surrogacy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Stop Surrogacy

May 12, 2015

A NEW organization, Stop Surrogacy Now, has formed to oppose reproductive surrogacy:

We believe that the practice of commercial surrogacy is indistinguishable from the buying and selling of children. Even when non-commercial (that is, unpaid or “altruistic”), any practice that subjects women and children to such risks must be banned.

No one has a right to a child, whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, or single-by-choice.

We stand together asking national governments of the world and leaders of the international community to work together to end this practice and Stop Surrogacy Now.

— Comments —

Pan Dora writes:

Big deal.

I’d guess the majority of those signers are all in favor of “reproductive choice.”

Laura writes:

Yes, there appear to be quite a few hypocrites in that group.

How can you object to surrogacy and not object to abortion, the ultimate form of “exploitation” of children?

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