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The Latest in Post-Apartheid South Africa « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Latest in Post-Apartheid South Africa

May 19, 2015

DAN ROODT writes on recent events in South Africa:

So South Africa lurches from one racial incident to the next, whether it is Rhodes’s statue radiating “pain” to black students in Cape Town or other blacks a thousand miles away being oppressed by headsets in rural Potchefstroom. The race-mad media in Johannesburg and Cape Town are always on the lookout for the next racial scandal and glory in shaming some hapless white who says the wrong thing. This will all be drearily familiar to anyone who follows events in the United States.

The rest of the Western world forced this crazy black Marxist government on us and cast us into their diversity blender. We suffer intensely from the American-made political correctness that now dominates the West–and diversity doesn’t work any better here than it does anywhere else.

— Comments —

NP writes:

This reminds me of a story I ready recently in (I think) The New York Times. It said that France under its Socialist government was committed to helping Haiti. This was apparently a great thing since France had a “troubled” history of colonialism with Haiti.

Let me get this straight. Haiti has been independent from France since around 1805. It was the second country (after the U.S.A.) to gain independence in the New World. Yet France is somehow responsible for Haiti’s problems? That’s like arguing that the United Kingdom is responsible for Baltimore’s riots.

Once all the white farmers are expelled from Zimbabwe and all the whites decide to leave South Africa, the remaining poverty will still be the fault of white people. Isn’t it funny? White privilege is still the cause of black people’s problems even if there are no whites.

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