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A June Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A June Day

June 1, 2015

I HOPE you are enjoying this first day of June, dear reader. I have been detained by the weeds in our yard. They are busting out all over. How can I address world revolution when there is a revolution in my own backyard?

— Comments —

Paul writes:

Hahaha. They sure are pesky. My father would sometimes spend hours digging them out. I can enjoy it too. It becomes addictive once you start. You dig just enough, lift the weed and its roots, knock off the dirt on the shovel’s blade, pack the dirt down with a hit, and move to the next weed. We used a regular shovel but adeptly, one slight foot jerk. I wonder whether your technique is the same? We tried many other techniques. As you know, weed killer can be useful but not as effective. I once tore up about ten feet of a concrete driveway because of all the cracks and had a concrete man (blacks are the best, not Hispanics) lay new concrete so as to avoid the weeds.

Laura writes:

No offense, but that’s Weeding for Sissies.

Try hand-to-hand combat with Japanese honeysuckle with roots so embedded in the earth beneath a five-foot-tall, sprawling juniper that if you dig a hole five miles from here they would probably come up the other end. This is warfare and I’m a survivor. I wouldn’t hire someone to do it — unless you paid me.

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