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Childless Germany « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Childless Germany

June 3, 2015

GERMANY reportedly now has the lowest birthrate in the world. Instead of having children, German women have low-level jobs.

— Comments —

ECM writes:

Since I don’t have time to get into this myself, I thought I might inquire and maybe someone else can dig up the stats (which are, more than likely, buried somewhere online in, alas, German):

What does the mental health landscape (mindscape?) for women in Germany currently look like? Is there a correlation of any sort between the collapsing birth rate and the mental health of German women in general? Is it more pronounced than the current hyper-depressed, hyper-medicated ‘culture’ we’re currently experiencing with females in the U.S.A, where we have a staggering rate of women being treated with psychotropic medication to deal with crushing depression, which one might be inclined to attribute, in large part, to the career-at-all-costs kultursmog that currently engulfs the West.

(Given Germany’s economy has been the lone bright spot in Europe for some time now, that would allow controlling, to some degree, for the lousy economy being blamed for the cause in the U.S.A.)

June 5, 2015

A reader from Germany writes:

I wish to give my impression as an unwilling eyewitness of the German development, although I am not aware of the situation in the U.S.A. so I cannot compare both.

First, as by ECM inquired, I did a little research, and indeed the method used differs from the normal computation of such a statistic. Normally, the birth rate is a ratio of births to fertile women. The study plotted births per 1,000 inhabitants, which results in a slightly worse result. Though Germany has one of the worst rankings anyway.

Second, the statistics do not tell us, who is having the children. Many of them are the children of foreigners, mostly Muslims. Due to this, the real birth ratio of German or European woman is much lower.

What’s the cause? As mentioned above, I can only describe the situation here. Many people here hate children. For them, they are only annoying. One often reads about trials held against the local administration or landlords when they want to build kindergartens, playgrounds, etc. But this is only a consequence of years of socialist re-education.

On this point I have to admit, that I am a libertarian (why else should a German read American sites?), and I see the deeper cause as economical. On the one hand, there is here a broad welfare system. One does not need children or a family to ensure yourself against disease, unemployment or old age. So why take the burden of getting children, when one can have fun and live long? One does not get in conflict with neighbors, who see them as disgusting. One can do so [well] by oneself too!

On the other hand, we all know that a welfare state is only a Ponzi sheme. Somebody has to pay the bill. An appropriate way is inflation. So they have been starting in the sixties to print money. When one prints money, one expands the amount of money. If there is no compensatory rise in the production capacity, the prices are rising too. The most important factor of production is human labor. Nothing goes without somebody, who does it. When one can increase your workforce, one increases production. If one does so, the inflation will not attract attention, and your reelection is sure.

After the war they used workers from foreign countries like Italy or Turkey (it was the first time Muslims, who could enter German countries after the siege of Vienna). Imbued with feminist spirit, they started to force women in the workforce. Not by physical force, but by brainwashing them.

They were and are told, that they can do the same things men do, even do them better. There are special programs everywhere to foster there career life. Most college students are female, and the schools are designed for females, while males are discriminated against. I do not have to mention, that the basic skills of having a household of their own, which were taught girls fifty years ago, were replaced by gender studies and sexual educations – starting in the elementary school of course. They are later taught to find the right sex toys for couples, even for perverts.

At the universities women get special support, while males like me have to struggle everyday. Most males of course were brainwashed too, and think this all is right. With my views, I am normally deemed crazy. Even so-called conservatives embrace feminism or perverts’ “marriage;” the idea of differences between the sexes is gone.

These women normally do not have many children, sometimes one or two. Having three is seen as a big family. Anymore is in the category of rabbits. When mothers have them, they put them in kindergartens, which even take one-year-olds. These are subsidized by the state for getting the mothers back in the workforce. In kindergartens, they start the indoctrination.

All these things started later in West Germany – East Germany did so from its beginning. Chancellor Merkel was an informer of the secret service of the GDR, which is comparable to the gestapo of the Nazis. When the Berlin Wall fell, we did not win; socialism took over.

So what to do to hold the system? Taking all these immigrants from Africa or the Middle East is the official solution. Instead of having children of their own, they import humans from poor countries. I wrote of this in my two comments before.

You mentioned, based on the article, that these women mostly have low paid jobs. Most men cannot earn enough money anymore by themselves to support their wife and the children at home. So there women have to work too. Only the richer with better income can support their wives at home. Normally these women are have a higher education than those of poorer families, so that those forced to work are only qualified for minor paid jobs. Moreover the “gender gap” is here hidden too, of which enough has been spoken here before.

Finally I want to answer ECMs second Question: Do German women struggle with their forced career life? They do. And of course one way of dealing with this is consulting a psychiatric therapist. Today this is normal for many, not only women, but men too. Their lives are being distorted likewise.

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