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D.C. Pride Fest — Brought to You By Marriott « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

D.C. Pride Fest — Brought to You By Marriott

June 18, 2015

JD writes:

I went with friends to a Washington Nationals home game last night. My first in years. It was boring and mercifully, it rained out.

My buddy’s girlfriend pointed out to him and me, that in case we were wondering, Washington D.C.’s “Capital Pride” Parade was Saturday, and that is why there was a huge number of homosexuals at the game. I couldn’t help but notice and was wondering to myself if this was normal and if I would ever attend another game.

Practically in the same breath, after she said that, and with a great big proud smile backing up her aggressive glee, she said: “I think it’s great!”

It was in-your-face. I bit my tongue. She knew what I thought, and that I was repulsed by the full bloom of showy pride. She seemed personally empowered by their numbers, as if she and her worldview were being publically validated and celebrated too. It was said as if to say; “Too bad, and there’s nothing that you can do about it.”

Here is the web page. The banner photo on the home page is of proud U.S. Marines leading the parade and bearing the standards. [Corporate sponsors include Marriott, Hilton and Whole Foods.) What else is there to say? She has a point.

The 2015 honories are listed here. Eric Holder first, followed by proud homosexuals and trans-whatever.

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