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He Was Born a Mouse « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

He Was Born a Mouse

June 5, 2015


AFTER years of personal torment, the blogger Mike King has decided to make known to the world that he is really a mouse. Inspired by the noble example of Bruce Jenner, he writes:

The first step in the species-reassignment process will be eye-ball reddening, whisker-insertion surgery and rodent-dental implants. After I have recovered from that, the injection of fur growth hormones and the attachment of a prosthetic tail will be next. And finally, if all goes well, I will have the painful ear-sharpening and nasal-snout extension surgeries a month or so afterwards.

The most painful part of this process will not be the physical transformation. That much I can handle. But having to get rid of my cat, Sugar, is something I dread. With me becoming a mouse and all, well, it just ain’t gonna work out. Good bye my little feline friend.

— Comments —

William H. writes:

“Mike the Mouse” reminds me of this Monty Python comedy sketch. Even more, the Bruce Jenner Case brings this to mind.

Such confusion in the minds (and bodies) of men (ánd women).

Bert P. writes:

Another appropriate video is, of course, the “Lumberjack Song” from Monty Python, complete with a girlfriend overcome with grief at the fact that her man isn’t the manly lumberjack she thought he was.

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