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Italians Defend the Family « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Italians Defend the Family

June 20, 2015



HUNDREDS of thousands of Italians reportedly showed up for a rally in Rome today to protest same-sex unions and the official indoctrination of school children in androgynism. Unlike the Irish, who voted overwhelmingly in favor of same sex “marriage” last month, and similar to the French, who flocked to mass rallies, a significant number of Italians appear to understand that the welfare of children is at stake. They actually seem to get it and to be undeterred by the inevitable accusations of bigotry. From AFP:

Holding aloft banners reading “The family will save the world” and “Let’s defend our children”, a sea of people crammed into the San Giovanni square near the Italian capital’s historic centre to support family values.

The square, which can hold an estimated 300,000 people, was overflowing with the young, elderly and parents with toddlers, an AFP photographer said, with many more demonstrators spilling into nearby streets. Organisers for their part said one million people were taking part. Italian police never provide figures for demos.

“In my children’s schools they are talking about families made up of two fathers or two mothers, without asking parents’ permission,” said 41-year old doctor Giuseppe Ripa, adding: “It’s dangerous and wrong.”

Fellow protester Piero Uroda, a 78-year-old pharmacist, said it was “not honest to say these things to the very young, it’s not like they are students who can debate these ideas.”

“I don’t want gay marriage or gay adoption, the natural family is like ours,” he said, pointing to his relatives gathered around.

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