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The Buddy Dad « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Buddy Dad

June 21, 2015

SOME Father’s Day reflections on the loss of paternal authority by Marian T. Horvat:

Fearful of appearing authoritative or aloof to their offspring, many young fathers try to be a “good buddy” to their sons and daughters. Playing and joking and making life a game, they teach not only that life is not serious, but that authority is frivolous. The father, instead of showing the serious air of authority a child needs to be calm, stable and secure about his place in life, himself takes on the air of big child, dressing, speaking, inter-acting like a youth, even when he is far from it. He is the Big Boy, his son the Little Boy, and his wife takes on the role of Mother to all.

In this is an inherent disorder. The wife has a difficult time finding the husband to obey and respect. The children begin to think themselves equals to the parents. The harmony and equilibrium of the home are upset, because paternal authority is lacking. We see the disastrous results of this syndrome around us everywhere today.

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