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The Charleston Massacre « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Charleston Massacre

June 18, 2015

IF the word “racist” was not so dishonestly used, it would aptly apply to the terrible massacre of nine people in a South Carolina African Methodist church by a white 21-year-old gunman, who appeared to have killed his victims for no other reason than that they were black. The police are saying it may be a hate crime. That is another Orwellian abuse of language. Every massacre is a hate crime.

One headline I saw blared, “White gunman caught.” The  normal hesitation about proclaiming the race of criminals was gone.

The moral revulsion against this crime is good. The Charleston mayor called it “pure, pure concentrated evil.” That’s true. Innocent people were killed while they were sitting studying their Bibles. Whites do kill innocent blacks. That’s disgusting. Dylan Roof, the alleged killer in this case, should be put to death if he is found guilty.

It is much more common, however, in modern-day American for blacks to kill whites (and to kill many, many other blacks), a fact which should not temper the revulsion toward this crime but should leave us with the question as to why the same sort of revulsion is not applied to all interracial violence or to the scourge of black-on-black murders. As Lawrence Auster wrote, “[A]ny act of violence by whites against nonwhites becomes a national cause celebré, while the epidemic of racial violence against whites is systematically ignore by the media.” A very good example of this is the relative silence and lack of indignation surrounding the evidence that Amtrak Train 188 that derailed last month in Philadelphia, with eight people killed and hundreds injured, was a result of a projectile thrown from a neighborhood where blacks have been known to throw rocks at trains. This terrible event did not lead to a national exercise in conscience-searing racial guilt.

— Comments —

Mark Jaws writes:

This is just an observation. Nearly five years ago Omar Thornton gunned down eight white employees of the Hartford Distributors beer company. Thornton pulled out two semiautomatic pistols and started firing right after he was fired from the company for allegedly stealing beer. His girlfriend stated that Thornton was moved to this point due to acts of racism. Yet Thornton never lodged a complaint with his union. The world never saw the faces of those eight slain innocent white men. Not one single picture, and very little was written about them. Evidently, to the white progressives who run the media, white lives do not matter as much as black lives do.

Josh F. writes:

I suspect this was done by an anti-racist white boy desirous of assimilating to a black-dominated environment and being entirely abused and rejected. I speculate that this is what we will find to be true.

[Added comment — Laura writes: I don’t particularly care what his psychological state was. He’s very disturbed. He should be tried and executed if found guilty.]

Laura writes:

According to The Daily Mail, Dylann Roof had black friends. However, he also was using drugs, spent much of his time secluded in his room and told friends he wanted to start a race war. He sported a Confederate flag and apartheid symbols. He is everything the mainstream media longs for in that sense, the perfect embodiment of white racial hatred — and obviously his hatred was real. From another article:

A high school classmate of Roof’s, John Mullins, told The Daily Beast that the accused white supremacist killer was ‘kind of wild’ and a big time prescription drug abuser.

‘He used drugs heavily a lot,’ Mullins said. ‘It obviously harder than marijuana. He was like a pill popper, from what I understood. Like Xanax, and stuff like that.’

Court records reveal that a February drug charge cited Roof’s possession of methamphetamine, cocaine and LSD, RadarOnline reports.

Laura adds:

DailyKenn, a website which reports black crime, writes:

[L]iterally thousands of racial homicides are committed in America and around the world every year without the sympathies of Geraldo Rivera or the mainstream Marxist media.

I wonder why the national media is so cold, calloused, and uncaring as they intentionally ignore thousands of racial homicides year-after-year, then exploit the tragedy in South Carolina for the express purpose of exacerbating more hate!

There is only one thing that makes our public officials intensely and overtly spiritual.


Congress members gathered to pray yesterday outside the Capitol building

Joe A. writes:

To the last point here, if drugged-up loser whites didn’t occasionally kill innocent black people, there would be no public expression of Christianity in these formerly United States.

Funny that.  Our Ruling Class did everything they could to exterminate the Christian religion.  But they are happy to use it as a stage prop when the consequences of an atheistic America demonstrate its inevitable, atheistic gore.

Pan Dora writes:

Sadly enough, it appears a parent may have decided this individual (Dylann Roof) was someone who should be given a gun.

Shades of Sandy Hook.

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