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Trifkovic on the Muslim Invasion of Europe « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trifkovic on the Muslim Invasion of Europe

June 19, 2015

SRDJA TRFKOVIC writes at Chronicles that the great preponderance of the hundreds of thousands of “asylum seekers” arriving in Europe are Muslim:

The Third Muslim Invasion of Europe is entering its mature stage by sea, just like the previous two onslaughts.  The difference is threefold.  The invaders are not armed warriors but “asylum seekers.”  They can count on a massive infrastructure of Islamic centers and coreligionists to welcome them.  And there is no political will to resist them.

Europe’s southern maritime frontier is as porous as America’s on the Rio Grande.  Last year 220,000 African and Asian illegal immigrants landed on northern Mediterranean shores.  None have been sent back.  E.U. border-agency chief Fabrice Leggeri says that up to a million are currently poised to leave Libya alone.  It is an eminently Muslim invasion: African Christians making the crossing, a minority, are routinely thrown overboard by their jihadist-minded fellow passengers.

The conquest proceeds unchecked because the elite class does not want it checked.  “How can it be that we are daily witnessing a tragedy?” Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi wondered after a boat crammed with hundreds of people overturned off Libya’s coast last April.  “Europe can do more, and Europe must do more” to improve rescue missions, declared Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament.  Europe must mobilize more ships, more aircraft, French President François Hollande said.  “Words won’t do anymore,” Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy told a rally.  Pope Francis, addressing a crowd in Saint Peter’s Square, called on political leaders to “act decisively and promptly to prevent similar tragedies.”

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