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Bernard Nathanson on the “Abortion Cartel” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bernard Nathanson on the “Abortion Cartel”

July 30, 2015



EDWARD writes:

In light of the recent Planned Parenthood exposé videos, you might be interested in this lecture from the 1990s by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, former abortionist, NARAL founder and eventual Catholic convert. He discusses fetal tissue research and the medical inefficacy of the practice. He also discusses amniocentesis and the RU-486 pill.

I thought it provided some interesting perspective on the long-term strategies of the abortion industry.

— Comments —

Doug writes:

I just saw that Stem Express is blocking further release of videos showing them dealing in baby body parts. They have some California judge backing them.

A campaign of shame and disgust should be launched against them as well as the rest. I know your site is well visited and links to other heavily rad sites.

If you or anyone is interested in writing them and expressing your disgust, (no threats obviously), here is their e-mail, info@stemexpress.com.

Laura writes:

I can’t imagine that a company like that could be shamed.

Paul C. writes:

This is horrific and incomprehensible.  Soylent Green is an apt analogy to what Planned Parenthood is doing, which is beyond the pale.  (I won’t go further to spoil this excellent movie for young people.)

People are mourning the loss of animals such as some lion that was shot by an evil dentist.  Jimmy Kimmel, a famous liberal entertainer, got all choked up about it but not the revelations about Planned Parenthood.  Liberals and unthinking conservatives mourn the treatment of killer whales at a suspect aquarium and of our precious dogs and cats.  Yet the same people don’t mourn the treatment of unborn children, whose early embryology is well known and whose deaths are pure butchery and pain.  This is exactly how many Nazis thought during their tenure.  This is no analogy.  It is a simile.

I studied embryology, and it is a poorly understood phenomenon.  It is baffling how the cells manage to interact with one another to form an animal or plant.  We can describe the process and attempt to understand the biochemistry.  Surely randomness is not at play, and neither is intelligent design.  Like the universe, the process is a miracle, a mystery never to be solved until we meet Jesus.

Father Jonathan Morris at Fox News is an intellectual and is highly recommended as a debater on this and all other moral issues.  Priests for Life is another resource.

I attend Rosary vigils outside a major Planned Parenthood site.  I would like to throttle the abortion participants, who deserve it.

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