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Erasing History « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Erasing History

July 23, 2015

FROM The Connecticut Post:

Under pressure from the NAACP, the state Democratic Party will scrub the names of the two presidents [Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson] from its annual fundraising dinner because of their ties to slavery.

Party leaders voted unanimously Wednesday night in Hartford to rename the Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner in the aftermath of last month’s fatal shooting of nine worshipers at the historic black church in Charleston, S.C. 

The decision is believed to be unprecedented and could prompt Democrats in other states with similarly-named events to follow suit.

“I see it as the right thing to do,” Nick Balletto, the party’s first-year chairman, told Hearst Connecticut Media Wednesday night. “I wasn’t looking to be a trailblazer or set off a trend that’s going to affect the rest of the country. Hopefully, they’ll follow suit when they see it’s the right thing to do.”

Democrats cited Jefferson and Jackson’s ownership of slaves as a key factor in the decision, as well as Jackson’s role in the removal of Native Americans from the southeastern U.S. in what was known as the Trail of Tears.

— Comments —

Neil P. writes:

Maybe we should acquiesce to everything blacks want, such as removing the Confederate flag, the Jefferson Monument, holidays and roads named after Robert E. Lee, etc.
But if in 2 years Black crime, illegitimacy, and general dysfunction stay the same, all the symbols of the hated past go back up.
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