Fusillade Frank in Latin America
July 13, 2015
THE “PAPAL” pop star’s whirlwind visit to Latin America last week was a tour de force of revolutionary demagoguery. Just a few highlights: In Ecuador, the Marxist madman and papal pretender prepared the crowds for his expected raid on moral doctrine at the upcoming Synod (Nod-to-Sin) on the Family. Without alluding to any specific changes in store, he said a new era was coming. With messianic bombast, he described unforeseen happiness. His words were a straight-up shot of anti-Catholic mental booze that was just the sort of thing crowds swooning over the sight of a major celebrity (or innocently believing they were seeing a true Holy Father) would unquestioningly imbibe:
And this is the good news: the finest wines are yet to be tasted; for families, the richest, deepest and most beautiful things are yet to come. The time is coming when we will taste love daily, when our children will come to appreciate the home we share, and our elderly will be present each day in the joys of life. The finest of wines is expressed by hope, this wine will come for every person who stakes everything on love. And the best wine is yet to come, in spite of all the variables and statistics which say otherwise.
Holy Toledo, how will this remarkable happiness come about “in spite of all the variable and statistics which say otherwise?” By taking sin and converting it into “wine.” Pretty cool, eh? It’s all about reaching out to the moral peripheries, where the real action is. It’s all about reaching out to the world instead of heaven. See Thomas Droleskey’s commentary on the homily.
While in Bolivia, the Argentine Bomber apologized for the Church’s actions during the colonial era. Mike King writes at his blog:
First of all, Rabbi Pope Francis; this moronic nonsense about apologizing for the actions of others from centuries long gone is as childish as it is retarded as it is pointless. Can you imagine the current President of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj …. crawling to Kiev and Warsaw and Moscow and Baghdad to beg forgiveness for the horrific genocides committed by Genghis Khan and his successors. The eastern Europeans would laugh at him!
Or how about the Prime Minister of Italy visiting Berlin to issue an apology for the “grave sin” of the Roman Emperors who invaded the lands known as Germania during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Not to be outdone, the Frumpy Frau could reciprocate with a trip to Italy and an equally ‘heartfelt’ apology for the Visigoth Sack of Rome in 410.
Picture this:
Prime Minister Renzi: (chocking back fake tears) Signora Merkel. Mamma mia! I am a so sorry forra da Marco Aurelio invade da Germania.
Chancellor Merkel: (lip quivering, hugging Renzi) Vee vere no angels either Herr Matteo. Zee Sack of Rome vas totally uncalled for.
Adding to the idiotic insanity of Frankie Faker’s apology is the fact that the non-White Catholics of Latin America wouldn’t even be Catholics today were it not for the conquest. Truth be told, and charges of “racism” be damned, these good folks wouldn’t even be civilized today were it not for the big bad Spaniards and the “grave sins” of the Christian faith they still hold so dear. So if Frankie … is truly sincere about his “apology”, then he ought to be urging all non-White Latinos to quit the Catholic Church and return to the paganism, cannibalism (here) , slavery (here) , human sacrifices (here) and whatever other “grave sins” that some of their ancestors practiced.
And to top it off, just in case you didn’t get the message, Jorge warmly approved the very latest in hammer-and-sickle Christian “protest art” while on his trip. See the latest here and here.