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Mainstream News Is Junk Food « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mainstream News Is Junk Food

July 16, 2015

AT Natural News, Ethan A. Huff writes:

The corporate media, as hilariously and obviously bogus as it has become these days, is no different from an addictive junk food product like Doritos, Oreos, or Coca-Cola. What makes these fake food products salable has nothing to do with their nutritional content, which is basically zero; it’s the monosodium glutamate (MSG), refined sugar, and artificial flavors that provide that instantaneous flavor “high” to keep consumers enslaved to buying such products, even when they know they’re toxic!

The latest manufactured media controversies are really no different. Artificial elections, fake shootings, crisis actors, and manufactured hashtag campaigns have become the bread and butter of the phony American media machine, which almost always ignores real news like the recent passing of “fast-track” authority by Congress allowing the executive branch to enact treasonous trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership without oversight.

Instead of reporting on this traitorous dissolution of American sovereignty by our own elected leaders, the corrupt mainstream media is instead feeding the gullible masses the equivalent of a handful of MSG-laced corn chips by raising hell over a historical flag. The “excitotoxin” effect of this intellectual drugging, if you will, is now evident all across social media and in the public conversation as people fight each other over yet another ridiculous non-issue rather than direct their anger at those who instigated it in the first place: the media, the government, and the shadow puppet masters who control what these entities say and do.

It’s a lot like when you know you should eat a salad instead of that enticing doughnut, but you choose the doughnut instead because it’s oh-so-good in the moment. When the less intelligent segments of society are presented with the real facts or even just told to investigate an issue on their own (the salad), they often react with confusion or fury, choosing instead to accept whatever the mainstream media is telling them to say or think (the doughnut).

This lazy approach to living might make you popular with all the other zombie dolts who would rather just float by in their manufactured, programmed, convenience-centered, bag-of-Doritos existences. However, it won’t get you any closer to truth or reality, which is almost always unpopular in the beginning before the illusory house-of-cards reality comes tumbling down into oblivion.

The choice is yours. Will you imbibe on the synthetic reality constantly being dished out by the mainstream media like a box of pink slime McNuggets at the fast food drive-through, or will you opt instead for nutritious, soul-enriching truth, no matter what it costs your social popularity and reputation?

— Comments —

Dan R. writes:

No disagreement with the title, but otherwise this is the old “distraction” argument for the umpteenth time. Everyone has their “most important issue,” and then those that “distract” from it. Immigration is often mentioned as a “distraction” from the real issue, whatever that may be at a given moment, and of course anyone who came here from Lawrence Auster’s site would recoil at that. We have seen “homosexual marriage” dubbed a distraction, something that readers here will for the most part profoundly disagree. Sam Francis wrote how the attack on the Confederate flag ultimately leads back to questioning the legitimacy of the American flag. And with the shootings, be they “I can’t breathe” or “hands up, don’t shoot,” they have had a highly deleterious effect on the ability of public opinion to resist the black activist agenda. Distractions? Not nearly.

For the Left every issue is important, some more than others. The main thing is how it enforces their interpretation (the narrative) of the world and builds toward their end goal. Each time the Left makes another assault on an institution, there are plenty of conservatives who would rather not deal with it, and then comes, inevitably, the “distraction” argument. Unfortunately, add together enough “distractions” and eventually you have Gramsci’s “march through the institutions,” now nearing the end game.

What we have is junk reporting by a junk media, monolithic in its ideological biases and a conservative movement afraid to take on the Left and its basic premises.

 Laura writes:

As Mr. Auster put it, the media creates an “alternate reality.” That alternate reality is based on lies.

Lydia Sherman writes:

The purpose of the fake news is to keep everyone stirred up while real things that matter are put into place behind our backs. The idea is to keep you interested in what their right hand is doing so you won’t notice the left. Any time a crisis is reported, it is to cover up something being signed into law without the consent of the governed.

Anything that comes from the news media has got to be considered a lie until proven true.

Laura writes:


If Americans knew how much they are being lied to, they would be instantly radicalized (in a good sense of the word.)

They have been drugged by lies.

They have been hypnotized.

They are living in an alternate reality.

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