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The Sensationalism of the Transgender Wars « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Sensationalism of the Transgender Wars

July 23, 2015

PATRICK writes:

I don’t know if you saw this story [about Ben Shapiro’s encounter with a “transgender” man] but it is quite remarkable. Quite un-ladylike behavior from someone who wants to be identified as a woman now.

Laura writes:

The real problem is that this exchange ever took place at all. No one should be discussing “transgenderism” on television or radio. Period. No “transgender” person should be on TV. No “transgender” person should be on radio — even if there are people suffering from hormonal and mental disorders that deserve sympathy. It’s as simple as that. There is no “conservative” way to discuss “transgenderism” in the mass media. The very discussion is propagating the idea. Even if a “conservative” objects to “transgenderism,” he is merely a tool in its propagation.

We’re way, way beyond the idea of discussion on this not being permitted everywhere, of course, what with the Bruce Jenner Project reaching such grotesque and sickening extremes, and nothing you can say will make a difference. Not one bit of difference. But it helps to grasp the root of the problem.

Freedom of the press is a massive lie. It’s not as if all opinions can ever be equally aired. There is always an agenda, always a worldview, governing the organs of public opinion. Under the ruse of “freedom,” of the right to express every opinion, a very evil worldview and sinister forces came into power and now literally control the minds of millions. This satanic elite hates male and female. It is through masculinity and femininity that human beings approach God. Satan wants to destroy every last vestige of Christ’s reign on earth, and so he seeks through ideas to confuse male and female.

Pope Leo XIII explained why “freedom of the press” is a false right in his encyclical Libertas: On the Nature of Human Liberty in 1888. It’s such a prophetic statement:

23. We must now consider briefly liberty of speech, and liberty of the press. It is hardly necessary to say that there can be no such right as this, if it be not used in moderation, and if it pass beyond the bounds and end of all true liberty. For right is a moral power which – as We have before said and must again and again repeat – it is absurd to suppose that nature has accorded indifferently to truth and falsehood, to justice and injustice. Men have a right freely and prudently to propagate throughout the State what things soever are true and honorable, so that as many as possible may possess them; but lying opinions, than which no mental plague is greater, and vices which corrupt the heart and moral life should be diligently repressed by public authority, lest they insidiously work the ruin of the State. The excesses of an unbridled intellect, which unfailingly end in the oppression of the untutored multitude, are no less rightly controlled by the authority of the law than are the injuries inflicted by violence upon the weak. And this all the more surely, because by far the greater part of the community is either absolutely unable, or able only with great difficulty, to escape from illusions and deceitful subtleties, especially such as flatter the passions. If unbridled license of speech and of writing be granted to all, nothing will remain sacred and inviolate; even the highest and truest mandates of natures, justly held to be the common and noblest heritage of the human race, will not be spared. Thus, truth being gradually obscured by darkness, pernicious and manifold error, as too often happens, will easily prevail. Thus, too, license will gain what liberty loses; for liberty will ever be more free and secure in proportion as license is kept in fuller restraint. In regard, however, to all matter of opinion which God leaves to man’s free discussion, full liberty of thought and of speech is naturally within the right of everyone; for such liberty never leads men to suppress the truth, but often to discover it and make it known.

He continues on the theme of education:

24. A like judgment must be passed upon what is called liberty of teaching. There can be no doubt that truth alone should imbue the minds of men, for in it are found the well-being, the end, and the perfection of every intelligent nature; and therefore nothing but truth should be taught both to the ignorant and to the educated, so as to bring knowledge to those who have it not, and to preserve it in those who possess it. For this reason it is plainly the duty of all who teach to banish error from the mind, and by sure safeguards to close the entry to all false convictions. From this it follows, as is evident, that the liberty of which We have been speaking is greatly opposed to reason, and tends absolutely to pervert men’s minds, in as much as it claims for itself the right of teaching whatever it pleases – a liberty which the State cannot grant without failing in its duty. And the more so because the authority of teachers has great weight with their hearers, who can rarely decide for themselves as to the truth or falsehood of the instruction given to them.

25. Wherefore, this liberty, also, in order that it may deserve the name, must be kept within certain limits, lest the office of teaching be turned with impunity into an instrument of corruption. Now, truth, which should be the only subject matter of those who teach, is of two kinds: natural and supernatural. Of natural truths, such as the principles of nature and whatever is derived from them immediately by our reason, there is a kind of common patrimony in the human race. On this, as on a firm basis, morality, justice, religion, and the very bonds of human society rest: and to allow people to go unharmed who violate or destroy it would be most impious, most foolish, and most inhuman.

It’s hard to keep from getting riled up about what’s said and done in the media, even the supposedly conservative media, but it won’t make any difference under the current system. It’s all under the control of hostile forces. And there can be no true liberty as long as this state of occupation exists.

We will be endlessly divided over these sensationalistic issues, and that is the covert political goal too. Divide and conquer.

— Comments —

Josh F. writes:

The devilish memestream media will inevitably attempt to make “Caitlyn Jenner” into the new standard of “feminine white woman.” In other words, real white women and girls (all white females) will be judged by the “Caitlyn Jenner” “standard.”

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