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American NewChurch Robs Mexico « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

American NewChurch Robs Mexico

August 5, 2015

THE Vatican II Church, which has been hemorrhaging members ever since it revolutionized Catholic worship and theology, harms Mexican churches by supporting illegal immigration to this country. Jonathan David Carson at The American Thinker explains how. He writes:

Someone more intelligent and better-educated than I could perhaps explain the madness of church leaders who think they can somehow increase their herds by going left.  It never works, but they cannot learn from their own experience, or from the universal experience of others.  They fixate on “inclusion” and include and include and include until there is almost no one left.

Carson errs in presuming that the American bishops support illegal immigrants purely because these immigrants might fill the pews. Global universalism flows from Vatican II theology, and the bishops genuinely believe in it.

— Comments —

Neil P. writes:

This is an interesting topic. Apparently things are even worse. There was a poll that showed that 20 percent of Hispanic Americans say they have no religion. There seems to be something particularly toxic about the USA. Just crossing the border makes you a liberal.

While I can’t blame people for leaving their native lands for a better life in the USA, what happens to their native lands when the only people who remain have few skills? There was a New York Times article recently that pointed out that 3 percent of the Greek population has left the country in the last ten years. And this includes to a large extent doctors and engineers. Apparently, just about anyone who is smart leaves Georgia, Armenia, Romania, Greece for Western Europe and the USA.

What happens when all the high IQ Igbos in Nigeria decide to leave?

But to the “Catholic” bishops none of this matters. Just as all religions are more or less the same, all cultures are more or less the same

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