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The Black Market in Infants, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Black Market in Infants, cont.

August 3, 2015


IF you want to know more about the commercial use of fetal stem cells, often procured by companies through Planned Parenthood, the Children of God for Life website offers a thorough overview. Food seasonings, anti-aging creams, coffee creamers, and vaccines are among the products that contain fetal cells. All chicken pox and measles vaccines are made with fetal cells. One study shows a link between the rise of autism disorder and the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines.

In this video clip, a spokeswoman for the pro-abortion organization Emily’s List defends the use of cells from aborted babies by the pharmaceutical industry. Children of God for Life argues that the idea of a social good obtained is likely increasing the incidence of abortion:

Proponents of aborted fetal tissue research argue that their work is morally separate from the abortion itself and that one’s personal view should not affect the ethical considerations in the good that may result from such research. However, when we examine the impact fetal tissue research has on institutionalizing abortion, coupled with the direct complicity of all parties involved there is unquestionable proof that one cannot be separated from the other.

When one performs an act that is intended to bring about a benefit for the greater good of society, if an innocent person is harmed, it is not a moral act. It is in fact, utilitarianism, a modern Hedonistic theory that promotes the greatest good for the greatest number of people.[51]

One argument often presented is that since the mother is going to abort her child anyway, shouldn’t some good come from this tragedy? After all, isn’t this very much like donating the organs of a murdered child to help save another human being’s life? This line of reasoning quickly fails under both the moral principle above and a misconceived notion of parental rights. The consent for non-therapeutic procedures on a child, unborn or otherwise, is not licitly obtained when the parent’s action brings about the death of their child.

Interestingly, proponents for Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR) make a similar argument: since left over embryos from in-vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics are going to be destroyed anyway, shouldn’t they be used to benefit another? Yet such thinking violates the principles found in the Nuremberg Code and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Accordingly, “members of the human species who cannot give informed consent for research should not be the subjects of an experiment unless they may benefit from it or the experiment carries no significant risk of harming them.”

The premeditated intent to hunt down, seek out and use aborted fetuses in order to create vaccines and other new medical treatments is crystal clear. We know that Wistar researchers were present at the 27 rubella abortions and as noted, performed the dissections “immediately”.

Dr. Sven Gard and Dr. Van Der Eb specifically selected the fetuses for WI-38 and PER C6 respectively and we know Van Der Eb did the dissection himself. Merck itself assisted in the fetal research for its own rubella vaccine. And Dr. Hayflick of Wistar used his expertise and experience to further immoral research in the UK. The existing cell lines are nearing capacity for production and new ones are emerging. More abortions and more research are being conducted. Crucell’s activity with New Zealand and Australia is a perfect example of the current search today for new aborted fetal sources. And as long as the pharmaceutical industry receives the benefit of public acceptance of the vaccines, the situation will only worsen. History has proven that.

While Dr. Edward Furton of the NCBC has noted that parents have a responsibility to vaccinate their children, he also notes that,“The development of widespread public opposition to tainted vaccines might lead to an eradication of the present dilemma for future generations.”[52]

Without a doubt, is this not a serious Catholic responsibility too?

From fetal tissue to stem cell research, pharmaceutical companies would not be investing billions of dollars into these new cell lines unless they felt sure they would have a market. In fact, if parents did NOT use the vaccines obtained from aborted fetal cell lines at all, such action would have effectively ended the practice years ago. It would not be a fair or accurate statement to say that people who use the vaccines do not contribute to an immoral act, because in fact, they are providing financial motivation and incentive plus actual funding to the pharmaceutical industry to continue this immoral practice. The Vatican agrees:

“Furthermore, on a cultural level, the use of such vaccines contributes in the creation of a generalized social consensus to the operation of the pharmaceutical industries which produce them in an immoral way.”[53]

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